Sunday 20 November 2011

Emma's Dragon: A fairly Horrible Love Story by Ellen C. Maze

Emma's Dragon: A Fairly Horrible Love StoryEmma's Dragon: A Fairly Horrible Love Story by Ellen C. Maze

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
"Famous children's book illustrator, Emma Topp, saw a dragon while camping alone at Tom Bailey Lake. Should she tell anyone? Braving to share her sighting with handsome and dashing Deputy Trevor Lucas, Emma might have bitten off more than she can chew."

I've had my eye on this short story since it was added to Amazon. The cover is eye catching and the title made me curious. I finally got round to buying it today and finished it in no time.

I think the fairly in the title was an understatement. 

Ellen you've done it again, I loved the story, it captured me so much that when I had finished, I found my forgotten cup of tea cold.

A fabulous read I would recommend to anyone with a spare 30 minutes.

View all my reviews

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