Saturday 31 August 2013

Ruin by Rachel Van Dyken

RuinRuin by Rachel Van Dyken
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"I'm not your typical girl. I've been running away from the memories that haunt me for so long that depression has become my only comfort. I was content in the darkness...until Wes Michals offered to be my light.
I didn't know that time wasn't my ally -- that every second that ticked past was one step closer to the end of something that was beginning to mean the end of myself. He tried to warn me. He promised me all he was able to offer--each moment as it came--but it would never be enough.
Sometimes when you think it's the end, it's only the beginning. Wes thought he could save me, but in giving me everything, he ruined me. Because after one kiss, one touch, I couldn't--I wouldn't ever be the same. 
And from that moment on, his heartbeat became my own."
This is one of those books that will stay with me for a long time.. It is a beautiful story. It won't RUIN you, it will fix you. 

It made me laugh and cry. I loved the characters, Wes was so wise, when you know you could die from an illness you have, it gives you a whole new way to look at life and how you live it. You don't take it for granted like everyone else seems to do. I saw that in Wes, he was such a strong lovely man. I think I fell in love with Wes. No wonder Kiersten fell for him.
Angela was a beautiful thought. I like to believe that is possible.

This book will give you new ways to look at grief and cancer. I've lost people to cancer and I have fought cancer myself, RUIN has given me a whole new perspective on the fight, whether you win or lose. Such a beautiful book.

I wish the authors family members strength through their fights. 

My love and prayers go out to anyone fighting the fight or watching a loved one fight the fight.

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Tuesday 27 August 2013

Tattered Love (Needle's Kiss #1) by Lola Stark

Tattered Love (Needle's Kiss #1)Tattered Love by Lola Stark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

*I was honored to receive an ARC by the author for an Honest review.*

I had been following Lola Stark on Facebook while she was writing his book and the teasers she released totally hooked my in, I could not wait until release day. I was lucky enough to acquire an ARC and I totally fangirled, jumping up and down ad clapping, I was so excited to read it.

"When ex-Special Ops bad-ass Mace walks into Needle's Kiss tattoo parlour, he never expected to find the girl who would turn his life upside down.
Hard as nails Scarlett has been unlucky in love: she’s been burnt, chewed up and spat out. Reluctant to have another relationship, can she keep her wits about her when hot-as-sin Mace walks into her tattoo parlor? Or will he break her down and leave his mark within her ink?
What starts out as a little fun, turns into something so much more.
Can Scarlett look beyond Mace's devastating past or will his demons come back to haunt them both?
Content warning: contains steamy, anywhere-goes sex, an alcohol induced embarrassing night out and two headstrong lovers taken on a whirlwind of crazy"

As soon as I started I wanted to be Scar’s best friend she is such a bad-ass character.
4% in,I read this one line
“Not to toot my own horn, but toot motherfucking toot,...
And I changed my mind I wanted to BE Scar.
She hates being girly, prides herself off not being one of those sappy girls that swoon all over the hot guy.
Take a look at this conversation Mace : “Think you can look at me and tell me, baby?”
Scar: “No, I don’t wanna do the girl thing and cry. You’re makin me feel all squishy and shit,”
See what I mean? Scar is just awesome. I’m totally girl crushing on Scar now.

Scar’s best friend Teeny, is just as awesome. Their friendship is the best kind of friendship, the one all us girls wish for.
“Teeny, told me all the time that I was a knock out, but she had to talk me up, it was in the BFF rule book. It could be found right between “I shall not screw your man” and “during a bitch smack down, one must take each other’s back, or distract the police long enough not to get caught.”

Teeny has a great way with words, the best positive spin on any situation.
”What if he’s it, babe? What if he’s not just another asshole wrapped in tin foil? What if he’s your knight in shining armor?”

Mace... Where do I start with Mace? He is one hunk of a man.. That, is a good place to start. He will make the toughest chick turn all mushy, go ahead reread the quote I mentioned above... When he wants something he gets it, he does everything he needs to, to get it. But he is all kinds of charming and sweet too. He is still an idiotic man that makes mistakes, but thats alright what man isn’t an idiot at times.

The story is brilliant full of humor, swoonworthy romance, drama --good drama, not the over the top shit--, and those slap a character in the face moments too. It is a fantastic debut from Lola Stark and I for one can’t wait to read Trip’s story in ‘Conflicted Love’.

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Monday 12 August 2013

Red Moon by M.A. Grant

Red MoonRed Moon by M.A. Grant
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"Dark, moving and original, a story of family, survival, and getting on with life...
Flynn Sinclair understands pack loyalty — for years as his Alpha father’s enforcer, he has done things in the name of duty that he can’t ever forget. But the vast expanse of Alaska offers him a peace he’s never known. Alone, removed from pack life, he can focus on his research and try to forget his life before.
    But duty has a way of inviting itself in, and Flynn finds himself doing two reckless things in one week: leaving the safety of Alaska to save his brother Connor’s life, and unwittingly falling in love with Evie Thompson, a woman who doesn’t deserve to be drawn into his terrifying world.
    Connor carries news of their father’s descent into madness, and it looks like neither geography nor Flynn’s attempts at disengagement will put off a confrontation. Flynn had finally begun to believe that he might deserve something good in his life — something like Evie — but to move forward in the light, he must first reconcile with the dark."

I will start of by saying I have an unhealthy obsession with werewolves. I love werewolves, I want to be a werewolf, I adore anything werewolf related.. right now I have gotten that out the way back to Red Moon.

This take on werewolves was slightly different to other books being that it was only the males that became werewolves genetically. It took me a while to get into this story, I am not quite sure why it may come back to my obsession with werewolves. It took a little while before we saw some werewolf action. Or maybe it was because I was struggling through a book rut at the time I was trying to read this and no fault to this story at all. Flynn is a great character with a love for his family (or most of them) even if that is going against what he was taught growing up. Evie came out of a mentally abusive relationship and I felt she was strong for not allowing herself to fall into that pattern again and watching out for the signs. Cooper now he is a gem on this story and I really am hoping to get more from him. By the looks of the epilogue we are going to get just that.

I only had two problems with the book. The first was Evie realising she loved him after only seeing him 3 times, 2 of those had been 2 minutes in duration. It just wasn't very believable that she could love him that quick. The second was the dreams and flashbacks that Flynn had. They were written in italics so I knew they weren't the present but sometimes I couldn't tell if the dreams were flashbacks or just dreams. Some needed explaining just a little more. But in saying that it didn't take anything away from the story and once I feel into it I was well and truly stuck.

Well done M.A. Grant. I'm looking forward to reading more from you and these characters.

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Saturday 10 August 2013

Second Hearts (Wishes #2) by G.J. Walker-Smith

Second Hearts (The Wishes Series #2)Second Hearts by G.J. Walker-Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"Charli Blake's high tolerance for risk doesn't always work in her favour. 
After a year of living out her dream of travelling the world, the sunny West African village of Kaimte would be her last stop.
She's bound for New York, in search of the boy she'd let go of long ago. 
For Charli, nothing has changed. She's travelled thousands of miles but hasn't moved an inch. Adam Dรฉcarie still means everything to her.
But reality soon hits hard.
For Adam, everything has changed.
Memories of the best love she's ever known is all she has left, until Charli makes a shocking discovery. None of it had ever been real in the first place."

This book needs to come with a warning have a box of tissues handy. My second heart has turned black, I was left completely heartbroken after finishing this book. 
It had some lovely beautiful moments, but then there were some heartbreaking tears streaming down your face moments too, not to mention the moments where I wanted to go all ninja on someones butt. I can barely see through the tears to write this review. I will be impatiently waiting for the next instalment to be released.

P.S I was right on my guess of who Elvis was... Just call me Mrs Marple.

It can be purchased in both Paperback and Kindle edition from Amazon
It is also available from iTunes and Barnes and Noble.
Add to Goodreads 

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Saving Wishes (Wishes #1) by G.J. Walker-Smith

Saving Wishes (The Wishes, #1)Saving Wishes by G.J. Walker-Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"For Charli Blake, being seventeen is a tough gig.
She's been branded a troublemaker, her reputation is in tatters and she's stuck in Pipers Cove, a speck of a town on the coast of Tasmania.
Thankfully, it's temporary. Her lifelong dream of travelling the world is just months away from becoming reality. All she has to do is ride out the last few months of high school, which is easier said than done thanks to a trio of mean girls known as The Beautifuls.
When Adam Dรฉcarie arrives in town, all the way from New York, life takes an unexpected turn. His arrival sets off a chain of events that alters her life forever, convincing her of one thing. Fate brought him to her.
Saving Wishes is the story of a girl who doesn't quite fit the life she's living, and the boy who helps her realise why."

I really enjoyed this book. The characters were fab, the story line good, the big twist a huge shock, the sad bits were heartbreaking. I am really looking forward to reading book #2 in the series.

I highly recommend this book. 

It can be purchased in Paperback and Kindle edition on Amazon
It is also available on iTunes and Barnes and Noble.
Add to Goodreads

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Cover and Blurb Reveal - Storm Shells (Wishes #3) by G. J. Walker-Smith

G. J. Walker-Smith revealed Storm Shells cover and blurb on her Facebook page

Storm Shells is the third book in G.J. Walker-Smith's Wishes Series. You do need to read the first two books before reading this one. 

The first book Saving Wishes 

"For Charli Blake, being seventeen is a tough gig.
She's been branded a troublemaker, her reputation is in tatters and she's stuck in Pipers Cove, a speck of a town on the coast of Tasmania.
Thankfully, it's temporary. Her lifelong dream of travelling the world is just months away from becoming reality. All she has to do is ride out the last few months of high school, which is easier said than done thanks to a trio of mean girls known as The Beautifuls.
When Adam Dรฉcarie arrives in town, all the way from New York, life takes an unexpected turn. His arrival sets off a chain of events that alters her life forever, convincing her of one thing. Fate brought him to her.
Saving Wishes is the story of a girl who doesn't quite fit the life she's living, and the boy who helps her realise why."

It can be purchased in Paperback and Kindle edition on Amazon
It is also available on iTunes and Barnes and Noble.
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The second book is Second Hearts 
"Charli Blake's high tolerance for risk doesn't always work in her favour. 
After a year of living out her dream of travelling the world, the sunny West African village of Kaimte would be her last stop.
She's bound for New York, in search of the boy she'd let go of long ago. 
For Charli, nothing has changed. She's travelled thousands of miles but hasn't moved an inch. Adam Dรฉcarie still means everything to her.
But reality soon hits hard.
For Adam, everything has changed.
Memories of the best love she's ever known is all she has left, until Charli makes a shocking discovery. None of it had ever been real in the first place."

It can be purchased in both Paperback and Kindle edition from Amazon
It is also available from iTunes and Barnes and Noble.
Add to Goodreads 

Without further ado, feast your eyes upon Storm Shells beautiful cover.

The Blurb: 

The only way to move forward was to go back to the very beginning…. 
After three miserable weeks without Charli, Adam makes the decision to follow her, desperately hoping to find a way of following through on his promise of a happy ending.
He finds her back in Pipers Cove, healing her broken heart by spending time with the one person who never lets her down.
Both know nothing has changed. They're desperately in love, hopelessly stuck in limbo, and unable to find common ground.
When fate offers them a chance at a different kind of ending, it’s a one-shot deal. Running with it means changing their plans – something neither of them has ever been willing to do before, even for each other.
Just as one begins to find their way, the other completely loses direction – and neither of them realise that time is running out.

“I looked down at my creature of mayhem and instantly felt like the luckiest man on earth, for no other reason than I loved her.
Life without Charli was structured, organised and dull. Any normal man would’ve been thrilled to give it up for her. I was beginning to realise that there was something really wrong with me.” - Adam

You can add Storm Shells to your "to read" shelf on Goodreads

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Who He Is (FireNine #1) by S. Q. Williams

Who He Is (FireNine, #1)Who He Is by Shanora Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

* An ARC was provided by the author for an honest review *

The writing of this book was wonderful, it was so descriptive and full. It flowed so well I struggled to put it down. I would say its S. Q. Williams' best work to date.

"Eliza Smith has never been the one to seek a relationship. She’s never dated a guy in her life, never even hugged a man (outside of her father/manager of the hot and popular rock band, FireNine) but when she decides to spend her summer on tour with FireNine, it all changes. Eliza really gets to meet Gage Grendel - her former crush from high school and the lead singer of FireNine - and witness sides to him to which she’ll begin to truly despise.
She’ll ignore him, she’ll dislike his ways, she’ll do anything to try and stay away from him until Gage finally gets her to slip up and give in. She agrees on a casual fling with Gage, but soon they’ll both see how the fling will blur into something they can’t control and when it’s finally time for Eliza to go and accomplish her own dreams, she’ll know there’s more she took from Gage than she ever thought possible."

I came out of this book with a very strong love/hate relationship with this book and its characters, the only character that I loved none stop was Roy, I would have been more than happy to help him with his kitten heads. Lol.. 
Eliza was a really connectable character, I understood her thought recess more than I think she even did at times.
I went into this story expecting to fall in love with the main love interest. The rock star. Gage Grendell. Unfortunately he wasn't very likeable, ok he did have sweet moments and that is why I said love/hate but I must say I hated him 95% of the time. Gage is so arrogant. I wanted to punch his charming smirk off his face. But saying that, that is how he needed to be.
Montana and his Mohawk was just lovely, I liked how he connected with Eliza, the only time he made me angry was when he supported Gage when he didn't deserve it.
Deed.. Poor Deed.. I liked Deed. 
Now Ben was a cool Dad, I liked Ben a lot.

You can buy this book on Amazon.

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Review: Unspoken Vow (Steele Brothers #2) by Eden Finley

Author: Eden Finley Book: Unspoken Vow Series: Steele Brothers (#2) Genre: MM Romance ๐™ƒ๐™š’๐™จ ๐™š๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง๐™ฎ๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™„ ๐™ฌ๐™–...