Friday 28 February 2014

COVER REVEAL: Rush Too Far by Abbi Glines.

It’s time to fall all over again…
Note from Abbi: Rush Finlay won readers hearts in Fallen Too Far. However, his side of the story was never told… until now.
RUSH TOO FAR is coming May 6, 2014
If you thought Rush was hot before, you’ve not seen nothing yet.

Everyone in Rosemary Beach thinks they know how Rush Finlay and Blaire Wynn fell in love. But Rush is back to tell his side of the story...
Rush has earned every bit of his bad-boy reputation. The three-story beach house, luxury car, and line of girls begging for time between his sheets are the envy of every guy in Rosemary Beach, and Rush handles it all with the laid-back cool of a rock star’s son. All he needs are his best friend, Grant, and his sister, Nan.
Until Blaire Wynn drives into town in her beat-up pickup truck with a pistol under her seat. The Alabama farm girl instantly captures Rush’s attention once he discovers that the angelic beauty is his new stepsister, but he vows to keep his distance. Even if she needs his help. Even if he craves her.
Because Rush knows why Blaire is all alone in the world, forced to ask for help from the father who abandoned her three years ago. And he knows if he gets too close it will destroy Nan, who has a secret connection to Blaire.
He has every reason in the world to stay away from her. Find out why he doesn’t.
Preorder links:
About Abbi
Abbi Glines is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Rosemary Beach, Sea Breeze, Vincent Boys, and Existence series. A devoted booklover, Abbi lives with her family in Alabama. She can often be found hiding in her office pretending to write while actually watching episodes of Buffy on Netflix. If she’s not in a Vampire Slayer mood she can be found watching Friday Night Lights. But please do not tell her husband. He has no idea she isn’t always hard at work.
Follow Abbi
Twitter: @abbiglines
Instagram: @abbiglines

Cover Reveal: Beware by Shanora Williams

beware front cover



Ace is bad.

Very bad.

After losing my brother, I know I should stay away. So why can’t I?

He’s irresistible. He’s confident. He’s amazing… but he’s dangerous.

He was there the night my brother was killed. He watched it all go down.

I should stay away. The things I saw weren’t acceptable. They’re not even legal.

I should want Ace as far away from me as possible—I should consider him a monster and a threat to my life—but something keeps drawing me back. Something keeps bringing me to him. Something is making me… weak for him.

He’s warned me many times to stay away. He’s even threatened me. But I know, just as much as he does, that I won’t stay away.
I won’t until I get answers.

But there’s one thing wrong with getting too many answers. It leads to lies. It leads to trouble. It leads to danger. But worst of all, it leads to me falling deeply and madly in love with him.

I’ve gotta be out of my mind.


Beware Teaser 2


Footsteps start up the complex stairs. They’re heavy. Slow. I try to control my breathing but it’s hard. The room that was once my sanctuary – my get away—now feels like a trap. A prison. I can hardly breathe.

Sealing my eyes, I listen as his footsteps get closer to my door until finally he stops. It’s quiet for a moment. I think he’s got his ear to the door, wondering what I’m doing.

Then he bangs on the door and I gasp. I don’t get up, though. He can’t get in. The door is locked and the chain is on. I don’t think he’d be dumb enough to kick the door in, knowing I have neighbors. Good thing they’re nosey. They’ll come looking for the noise immediately.

“London, I know you’re in there! Car’s in the parking lot.” His voice is no longer calm and casual. It’s angry and demanding. “Open the door.”

I don’t say anything, but I do stand and hold the knife in front of me just in case. I slowly walk out of my bedroom and towards the living room.

“Open it or I’ll kick it down. I don’t give a fuck who sees me.”

I gulp and gasp at the same time, which causes me to burp. And it’s pretty loud. Loud enough for Ace to hear.

Instantly, the door swings open and hits the wall with a loud thud. I scream as I fall on my side. When I look up, Ace is standing between the frames of his door, adjusting his tie. All I can make out is his shadow, but I can feel his eyes hard on me.

Stepping inside, he shuts the door behind him coolly. I scramble away with the knife in my hand. When I get to my feet, I dash for my bedroom and grab the telephone. He chases after me, warning me not to do anything stupid.

I dial 9, but I’m not given the chance to finish. He snatches the phone out of my hand and slams it down. I spin around, bringing the butcher knife in front of me again.

Ace takes a quick step back, glaring down at the knife. Then, a slow smirk forms on his lips. The lips I hated I admired once.

“I’ll cut you,” I threaten.

“You won’t,” he says boldly.

“I won’t?” I hiss, bringing the edge of the knife to his neck. “Don’t test me. I will.”

He raises his hands in the air, shaking his head. “When’s the last time you sharpened this bad boy, huh? Three years ago? It’s as dull as fucking a nun in bed.”

“I don’t give a shit! I can still cut you with it! Just… sit down!” I demand, circling him, knife still clutched in my hands and at his neck. “On the bed.”

He frowns. “No.”

“I don’t wanna hurt you, but if I have to I will!” I shout, voice wavering.

“That’s the thing… you won’t.” His tone is even.

I keep my tears back and my emotions behind me for now. I don’t want him to think I’m weak. I don’t want him to get away either. But deep inside I know I won’t hurt him. I won’t cut him. I’m too afraid to shed blood after seeing so much already.

With a bored sigh, Ace snatches the knife out of my hand and tosses it out of my bedroom. It skids across the hard wood floors, causing a clanking noise that makes my ears ring. I gasp, and start to run after it, but he grabs my arm tight and shoves me against the nearest wall. It’s not a hard shove. Nor does it hurt. But I’m still afraid.

As I tremble, he brings one of his large hands up and locks my face between his fingers. His eyes stare deeply into mine, his nostrils flared. From the slit of light filtering in through my window, he looks pissed. I know he’s going to kill me. I’m a witness.

“Listen to me,” he grumbles. His warm breath spills down my chest, across my cleavage. “I told you I’m not going to hurt you.”

“Why wouldn’t you?” I spit.

“I won’t. I’m not the one that killed Jonah. They did.”

Hearing Jonah’s name causes fiery tears to build in my eyes. “It’s your fault. I know it. Why wouldn’t they kill you, too? What were you doing there anyway? Why was Jonah there? Why did they kill him?” All of this is spilling out of me. I’m outraged. I’m pissed that Ace is still alive and my brother isn’t. I’m terrified. I’m… I’m a mess.

“Listen to me!” he demands, releasing my face to lock his hands on my shoulders. “I don’t know why they killed Jonah, all right? I don’t know why they didn’t kill me. But you have to understand… it’s what we do. It’s what Jonah signed up for. It’s business, and we can’t help when shit gets bloody.”

I process his words, give them some thought. “So… you’re the one that got him into that shit? What is it? What’d you promise him? I know Jonah, and I know he wouldn’t do something this bad without something in exchange.”

“I didn’t promise him shit.” Ace runs one hand through his slick hair. “He knew what he was in for. He was money-hungry, just like everyone else. He saw a way to achieve it and he went for it. It was a mistake… him coming to Atlanta.”

“How is that a mistake?” I demand. “I invited him. I graduated!”

Ace tilts his chin to meet my eyes. His are dark, and if I’m not mistaken, watery. I’m not given the chance to figure it out completely because he blinks and just like that, he’s angry again. “Don’t go to the cops. It’ll only get you killed.”

And with that, he releases me and walks out of my bedroom. I follow after him, grabbing his arm before he can get out the front door. “Killed by who? You?” I’m keeping my voice steady, but deep inside I’m scared out of my fucking mind.


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New York Times & USA Today Best Selling author Shanora Williams considers herself one of the wondrous, down-to-earth authors who's all about romance and the paranormal... but of course she always makes room for the many other genres out there.
She's a huge lover of Starbucks and a big kid when it comes to Haribo Gummy Bears. If she could swim in Coca-Cola she would. She's a very avid reader and a fan of many others independent authors.


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New Release: Whispers Of Darkness (The Deadwood Hunter #2) by Rachel M. Raithby

  • Whispers of Darkness, book 2 in The Deadwood Hunter Series is live and in celebration both books in the series are on sale.
  • Paranormal Romance, Action, Suspense, Drama and Hot hot Shifters!!!

  • Whispers of Darkness (Book 2) NEW RELEASE

    All Lexia ever wanted was to graduate from high school and leave Deadwood.
    Now she would give anything to have her quiet life back

    Her Father was murdered and her best friend, Alice kidnapped. With the help of Lincoln, the Panther Shifter she has fallen in Love with; they rescue Alice. But rescuing her wasn't as easy as first thought and Lexia and Lincoln barely make it out alive.
    Lexia met her Mother, the Mother she thought had left her as a baby. But Secrets unravel and Lexia learns who she really is.
    Her Mother created her and she was created for one purpose only...


    Follow Lexia as she runs from her Mother and the fate she set for her.
    Can Lexia fight the Darkness within her?
    Can she have the 'happily ever after'" she wants?
    Only one thing is certain, sacrifices will be made and lives will be lost.


    Amazon US

    Lexia (Book 1)

    Lexia thought she was normal, ordinary...

    Lincoln thought he'd spend the rest of his life seeking revenge...

    What would you do if the person you loved was your enemy?

    When Lexia snuck out one night to go to a party, she hardly expected to be attacked by vampires. Much less be able to kill them with her bare hands.

    That night triggers events Lexia can't escape and soon she struggles to keep up a facade around her friends and family.

    And then there's Lincoln; she finds herself irresistibly drawn to him. But Lexia senses he wants something more dangerous than a simple romance.

    Lincoln has secrets and what she learns changes her life forever.

    A story of love, loss and betrayal.
    Only one thing is certain, Lexia and Lincoln’s lives will never be the same again.


New Release: Spark (Spark #1) by Jennifer Ryder

Not many people know that I, Eevie Lawson, have a problem. An addiction to romance novels. I eat them for breakfast. I hide it the best I can, but I need them to breathe. It’s how I cope.

I’ve had a swag of book boyfriends, but now that I’m free from the responsibility of caring for my three younger brothers, it’s time to find one in the flesh. 

In real life, no girl meets their hero on page one, or even at the end of chapter one. I should know. 

My journey is real. It’s not perfect, and it sure as hell isn’t easy—but the fight for something worthwhile never is.

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~ Purchase Links ~

 It's not to late to join up to the release day event tonight (8pm Sydney time) -, there's heaps of prizes up for grabs from some of Jennifer's favourite authors and bloggers, as well as signed Spark swag and copies of Spark.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Book Blast: Seven Years of Bad Luck by J.L. Mac

When twenty-six year old Kathleen Cooper realizes that she forfeited her dreams and aspirations of becoming a lawyer after a brash decision to run off and marry the insanely charming Aidan Cooper, she decides to regain what she lost over the course of their seven-year relationship and start fresh.

With a renewed sense of hope and determination, she moves to a different city, lands a new job, and meets the handsome Benjamin Chase in a serendipitous way.

But even with all of these changes and hopes of gaining a new life, Kathleen is still not happy with the person she sees in the mirror staring back at her. She is an insomniac. She generally has bad luck in just about everything she attempts. She’s clumsy, and even if Prince Charming fell into her lap, she would likely push him in the opposite direction, for fear of getting hurt or worse, hurting someone else. This time she can’t blame any of these things on her bad luck or her destructive marriage. This time, it’s not her heart that’s in danger. This time, she has much more to lose and everything to gain.

Will she realize her mistakes in time to repair the damage?
Will she be able to reverse her shattered self-image and discover true happiness?
Will she ever find her way back to the person she was before seven years of bad luck?

           Chill bumps spread like a fierce wildfire across the surface of my skin. I couldn’t tell if Ben noticed or not. I hoped that he didn’t. He leaned slightly to his left and deposited his coffee cup onto an end table. Then it was his turn to break our intense silence, and boy, he didn’t just break the silence, he shattered it into a million pieces along with my stupid ploy and formerly bolstered, but newly absent, courage. Apparently, once Ben spoke, my smart-mouthed inner Kat disappeared in a hurry. His voice came out low and rough; each syllable that rolled off his tongue seemed to stroke me internally, causing my stomach to flip and flutter wildly.

            “Kathleen, am I the one to thank for these chill bumps, all over your skin or did something else do this for you?” As he spoke to me, he lifted his right hand and lightly brushed the backs of his long fingers down my right upper arm then swirled a light circle around my elbow and continued down the sensitive inner skin of my forearm, skating across my flesh with barely-there strokes from his nimble fingers.

             I kept my eyes cast away from his. I seemed incapable of looking directly into his eyes. I felt as if looking straight into those glowing depths of vivid blue would cause me to be swallowed up whole and pulled beneath the surface to blissfully drown in him. The fierce sexual energy that permeated the air around Ben made it difficult to breathe, and it intimidated me.  I chose not to answer him. Or perhaps I couldn’t answer him. 

            “Kathleen, look at me.” His commanding tone and presence was hard to challenge even from a distance and far more grueling a task within such close quarters. I could smell him, I could feel the warmth from his body radiating outward, and I could clearly hear each breath he drew from the space between us and pulled down to fill his lungs. I felt a powerful crimson, heated blush roll through my veins. It coursed throughout my body leaving evidence of my arousal in its wake. My skin heated, and my neck and cheeks flushed into a hot red. I realized that I was helplessly adrift in a sea of desire and arousal and that battling the current would be useless. I could either embrace the journey along the formidable pull of the current, or I could fight in vain against Mother Nature, knowing that undoubtedly I would lose. 

            “Look at me. Answer my question.” I lifted my eyes from the floor, but still avoided his stare. 

            He extended his long index finger and placed the pad of it beneath my chin and encouraged my head to tilt back, forcing my eyes to meet his. The moment we locked eyes, my breathing halted , and I felt my stomach flip and flutter all over again with a heightened need that exceeded any feeling I had experienced before it, ever. I battled against myself for composure so that I could finally answer him. I had not the faintest idea of what I would say, but I knew I needed to say something. My eyes darted around a bit, and he released my jaw, giving me an opportunity to speak. 

            Tit for tat, I thought. 

            “You never answered my own question, Mr. Chase.” I made a point to emphasize his name in hopes that sounding more like his employee would bring a halt to his request for an answer. I was hoping we could end this torturous little tango that had me tied up in knots.

             No, Kat. You wish Ben had you tied up. He hasn’t done it yet

            And with that sarcastic little jab to my sex life (or lack thereof), the inner Kat sauntered back into my head as if she had merely stepped away for a moment, but didn’t go too far.


Emma Stone as KAT

Gerald Butler as BEN 

USA Today Best Selling Author,J.L. Mac is twenty-seven years old and currently resides in El Paso, Texas, where she enjoys living near her family. She was born and raised in Galveston, Texas. J.L. admittedly has had a long and sordid love affair with the written word and has loved every minute of it. She drinks too many glasses of wine on occasion,and says way too many swear words to be considered “lady-like.” J.L. spends her free time reading, writing, and playing with her children.

Blog Facebook Twitter Goodreads

Cover Reveal: Summer Sky (Blue Phoenix #1) by Lisa Swallow

Book title: Summer Sky by Lisa Swallow
Series: Blue Phoenix #1
Genre: Contemporary romance
Release date: April 2014
Cover designed by Najla Qamber Designs
Photo by Lindee Robinson Photography
Models: Madison Wayne & Chad Feyrer

Sky changed her life for a man once, and she has no intention of doing it again - even if he is a six foot, tattooed rock god who makes a mean bacon sandwich.

Sky Davis is fed up of boyfriend Grant taking her for granted and when she comes home to find him wearing a girl, Sky suspects the relationship is over. She takes an unscheduled holiday and leaves the life (and guy) she hates behind. 

Rock star Dylan Morgan is struggling with fame and infamy, sick of his life being controlled by other people. Dylan cuts his hair and walks away from his role as lead singer of Blue Phoenix, leaving chaos and speculation behind.

Outside the English seaside town of Broadbeach their cars and worlds collide.

Sky decides Dylan is an arrogant guy with too many tattoos, and Dylan is amused by the smart-mouthed girl with no idea who he is. Dylan and Sky soon discover they’ve travelled to Broadbeach for the same reason - to escape from reality back to a place with happy childhood memories. 

Losing themselves in a world where they know nothing about each other, Sky and Dylan begin a summer romance that soon heats up their rainy English summer.

Fantasies can’t last forever and when reality crashes the party, Sky isn’t sure she wants to be more than his ‘summer Sky’ but Dylan doesn’t want to let her go.

Returning to the real world and public scrutiny isn’t their only problem. Blue Phoenix bass player, Jem Jones, has a reason for wanting Sky out of Dylan’s life, and is determined to come between them. Some things won’t stay hidden, even when they’re paid to ‘go away’.

Summer Sky is a quirky romance where occasionally more than the bacon sizzles. This is the first in the new ‘Blue Phoenix’ series of contemporary rock star romances.

Please note: this is a romance with a rock star hero, and not an erotic rock star book!

"Sky! Waves!" 

I have my back to the ocean and a wave crashes against my legs, destabilising me. I regain my footing and attempt to move before the retreating water sucks my feet into the sand. At that moment a larger wave wipes me completely, dragging my body underwater. I panic at the confusion of being pushed and pulled out of my control, seawater swirling hair into my face and the bubbles rushing into my ears. The shell remains tightly gripped in my hand.

As water draws away, I push my head free. Dylan stands on the edge of the shore, water lapping his ankles, laughing. I spit out sea water and stagger to my feet. The weight of the damp hoodie threatens to pull me down again as I push hair from my eyes.

"That was fucking funny! You should see your face!" He wades towards me, arm outstretched to help.

Attempting to keep my footing, I lunge at him and slap his hard chest with both palms. "It was not! Screw you!” Dylan catches my arms as I make contact, and pulls me towards him.

Scrutinizing my face briefly, Dylan takes my cheeks in his broad palms and crushes his lips against mine. I gasp again, but it's not the sea snatching my breath this time. A new wave sways us, and Dylan holds my face tightly, his own footing steady as his mouth claims mine. A small voice in my head asks what the hell I’m doing but I ignore it - Dylan overwhelms all common sense the moment I have any physical contact with him. Losing myself in his mint-flavoured kiss, in the slide of his cool tongue, I yield to the power he holds over me. Dylan curls his fingers into my wet hair and pulls me closer; I respond with a deep kiss, tracing fingers across his stubbled cheek.

Fierce or gentle, his kisses mould my soul to his as perfectly as his body shapes with mine, as if we’re in a place created by our coming together. Kissing Dylan last night pulled me into his orbit, and when I see stars again, I swear his kisses will always take me to the edge of his galaxy. If Dylan can remove me from reality with just this, god knows what anything else he's skilful at would do to me. The thought of us skin on skin, united through more than a kiss, lights a fire deep inside that would take more than the cold Cornish sea to extinguish.

Dylan loosens his grip on my hair and slides his hands across my damp back. He closes the final gap between us as our bodies meet, and I wish the rain-soaked clothes weren’t in the way. “I have never met anyone so…” He grasps for a word then gives up and rests his forehead on mine. “I feel as if I’ve waited my whole life to meet you and then suddenly you’re here.”

For a moment I consider whether he’s teasing me again, but I guess I’m very different to the people in his real life. "I can honestly say I've never met anyone like you, Dylan Morgan."

He wipes water from my cheek with cool, damp fingers. "No-one’s met Dylan Morgan apart from you. Not for a lot of years, anyway.”

I stare at the truth reflected in his pale blue eyes, unable to believe any of this is reality. His grip on my back loosens, and I step back. Rain drips down his face, soaking through his T-shirt and clinging to his body in a way that does nothing to help my mounting desire to get my hands on him.

A subject change is needed rapidly, before I begin drooling.

Lisa is an author of new adult romance and writes both paranormal and contemporary, often with a side of snark. In between running a business, looking after her family and writing, Lisa sometimes finds spare time to do other things. This often involves swapping her book worlds for gaming worlds. She even leaves the house occasionally. Lisa loves all things from the Whedonverse and preferred vampires before they sparkled. 

Lisa has four books published: the ‘Butterfly Days’ series, and two in her urban fantasy series Soul Ties. She is currently working on a new contemporary romance series Blue Phoenix and the first book, Summer Sky is due for release in April. Lisa is originally from the UK but moved to Australia in 2001 and now lives in Perth in Western Australia with her husband, three children and dog.

Review: Unspoken Vow (Steele Brothers #2) by Eden Finley

Author: Eden Finley Book: Unspoken Vow Series: Steele Brothers (#2) Genre: MM Romance ๐™ƒ๐™š’๐™จ ๐™š๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง๐™ฎ๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™„ ๐™ฌ๐™–...