Sunday 16 December 2012

Forever (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #3) By Maggie Stiefvater

Forever (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #3)Forever by Maggie Stiefvater
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When Sam met Grace, he was a wolf and she was a girl. Eventually he found a way to become a boy, and their loved moved from curious distance to the intense closeness of shared lives.

That should have been the end of their story. But Grace was not meant to stay human. Now she is the wolf. And the wolves of Mercy Falls are about to be kill in one final, spectacular hunt.

Sam would do anything for Grace. But can one boy and one love really change a hostile, predatory world? The past, the present, and the future are about to collide in one pure moment - a moment of death or life, farewell or forever

I took me a long time to finally pick up this last book of the series... I must admit I did start it numerous times and put it down before getting past the first couple if chapters. This time was the last time and I read it in pretty much one sitting. It was a brilliant closure to the series. I wanted more of a happy ever after but I think that would of ruined its integrity at the end of the day.

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American Vampire (Vampire for Hire #3) by J.R. Rain

American Vampire (Vampire for Hire, #3)American Vampire by J.R. Rain
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mother, wife, private investigator...vampire. Six years ago federal agent Samantha Moon was the perfect wife and mother, your typical soccer mom with the minivan and suburban home. Then the unthinkable happens, an attack that changes her life forever. And forever is a very long time for a vampire.

Now in AMERICAN VAMPIRE, sequel to VAMPIRE MOON, private investigator Samantha Moon receives a heartbreaking phone call from a very unlikely source: a five-year-old girl who's been missing for three months. Now on the hunt, Samantha will use her considerable resources - including her growing supernatural abilities - to locate the missing girl before it's too late. And as she gets closer and closer to the horrible truth, she receives devastating news on the home front. Now with her world turned upside down, Samantha Moon is forced to make the ultimate choice of life and death.

And through it all, she discovers the identity of one mysterious man...a man she has grown to love.

This instalment wasn't as gripping as the last one. The ending was meant to be a cliff hanger but you could tell what she was going to do.... What any mother would do and the name of the next book kinda gives it a away. You can tell the author is a man even though the Narrater is a woman. She at times isn't quite believable, she is attracted to every man she meets and says a lot of things that you could imagine a man saying or thinking but nota woman. But the author is a man so I don't blame him for that. It is still enjoyable, just not always believable unless you can shut that part of your brain off. I hope she finally makes a decision over the men in her life, because I can't handle another book of umming and ahhing. I still want to read the next, so it's not that bad. :)

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Vampire Moon (Vampire for Hire #2) by J R. Rain

Vampire Moon (Vampire for Hire, #2)Vampire Moon by J.R. Rain
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mother, wife, private investigator...vampire. Six years ago federal agent Samantha Moon was the perfect wife and mother, your typical soccer mom with the minivan and suburban home. Then the unthinkable happens, an attack that changes her life forever. And forever is a very long time for a vampire.Now in VAMPIRE MOON, sequel to MOON DANCE, private investigator Samantha Moon finds herself hunting down a powerful crime lord and protecting an innocent woman from her ruthless ex-husband — all while two very different men vie for her heart. And as the stakes grow higher and her cases turn personal, Samantha Moon will do whatever it takes to protect the innocent and bring two cold-blooded killers to justice — her own brand of justice.

I am loving this series, it's funny and easy reading. I am glad we are getting to know more about Kingsley. Sam is Bad ass. The cliff hanger ending did its job and roped my in to buying book 3 immediately, I think if I was reading these as they came out I would of been pissed at the cliff hanger but I just went straight to amazon and got the next instalment.... Off to read it now. :D

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Mistletoe and Magic - A Short Story by Sydney Logan

Mistletoe Magic - A Short StoryMistletoe Magic - A Short Story by Sydney Logan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It’s Christmas Eve, and Melanie Taylor is on a mission to find the perfect gift for her husband.

Something special. Something expensive.

Something that will save her marriage.

Can a chance encounter on an elevator make her Christmas wish come true?

This is a nice sweet story. I can't say much else about it without spoiling it, so if you are interested to hear more. Read it. :)

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Obtained by Shanora Williams

OBTAINED (OBTAINED, Book #1)OBTAINED by Shanora Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was lucky enough to receive an ARC from the author.
This was a brilliant start to a series. Once I started reading I could not put it down until I was finished. Alexandria, Jules and Felix became my best friends for the day, and to be honest I'm kind of at a loss without them today. I really enjoyed Shanora's writing style, it flowed really well. Some authors jump about and chop and change through scenes but Shanora took me EXACTLY where I wanted to be. It had just the right amount if suspense that I had to just keep reading and when I did have to put it down for 5 minutes to pick the kids up from school I was still thinking more about what's going to happen, than I was thinking about my actual journey to school. Well Done Ms Shanora Williams. I will be impatiently awaiting any other books you write in the future.

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Dirt by Kim F. Ridley

DirtDirt by K.F. Ridley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I was extremely lucky to receive an ARC of this wonderful book. It's presentation is beautiful.
Ashe was raised by her father who is a little... lets just say essentric. Not quite the right word but close enough. He insists she is ill and makes her drink a glass of smelly yellow liquid everyday --I forgot to mention it tastes as bad as it smells-- calling it her medicine. Things start getting strange for Ashe first she notices a guy watching her between lessons. He's hot so she is in two minds about whether its a good thing or a creepy thing. Then she notices a car tailing her. She goes on to learn unbelievable things about her "illness" and creatures in the world that she always thought we're just in children's stories. Faeries. Her life gets turned upside down as the Faeries hunt her for her blood. Who will she turn to for help? is the hot guy after her blood too? Will she survive long enough to find love? You will have to read the book to find out.

The only words I can use to as an adequate description are PURE BRILLIANCE.
I Love, Love, Loved it!

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Sunday 2 December 2012

Pulse of Heroes (Pulse #1) A. Jacob Sweeney

Pulse Of Heroes (The Pulse #1)Pulse Of Heroes by A. Jacob Sweeny
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"Michelle used to feel like she was behind in everything, especially school and relationships. Her great aunt from the old country says she is like a bland meal, "no salt or pepper". But in junior year, everything changes. Her father takes a position on the Town Council, a popular boy in school becomes interested in her, and most importantly, the Hekademos Learning Center, a private school for 'troubled' students, moves into her quiet neighborhood amidst the protests of the entire town.

After an embarrassing fall over the school wall, Michelle meets Elliot and her ordinary ‘bland’ life changes its course forever."

It started out slow but once I got to the 40% mark I couldn't put it down. The writing style was different compared to what I'm used to, you swap and change between different characters thoughts a little willy nilly, but it was something I managed to get used to.
I love all the characters and can't wait to see what happens next.

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Archangels Storm (Guild Hunter, #5) by Nalini Singh

Archangel's Storm (Guild Hunter, #5)Archangel's Storm by Nalini Singh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"With wings of midnight and an affinity for shadows, Jason courts darkness. But now, with the Archangel Neha’s consort lying murdered in the jewel-studded palace that was his prison and her rage threatening cataclysmic devastation, Jason steps into the light, knowing he must unearth the murderer before it is too late.

Earning Neha’s trust comes at a price—Jason must tie himself to her bloodline through the Princess Mahiya, a woman with secrets so dangerous, she trusts no one. Least of all an enemy spymaster."

With only their relentless hunt for a violent, intelligent killer to unite them, Jason and Mahiya embark on a quest that leads to a centuries-old nightmare… and to the dark storm of an unexpected passion that threatens to drench them both in blood
Loved it... Although come on I didn't expect anything different. Nalini Singh has some uncanny writing skills that hook you in, once you start that first page you can not get these characters out of your head, to be honest they hang around a long time after you turn the last page too.
I really enjoyed getting to know Jason and why he is like he is. We also got a little cameo from Aodhan and Venom too. I am looking forward to find out who the next book is about and see how things are going with Dmitri and Honor.

To give you an extra boast to read this book here are my thoughts at Pg171- "Who would of thought My Dark and Silent, would be so Hot and Steamy?"

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Rapture (Fallen Angels #4) by J.R. Ward

Rapture (The Fallen Angels, #4)Rapture by J.R. Ward
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"Mels Carmichael, reporter for the Caldwell Courier Journal, gets the shock of her life when a man stumbles in front of her car outside the local cemetery. After the accident, his amnesia is just the kind of mystery she likes to solve, but she soon discovers they're over their heads with his past. Over their heads with passion, too ...As shadows walk the line between reality and another realm, and her lover's memory begins to come back, the two of them learn that nothing is truly dead and buried. Especially when you're trapped in a no-holds-barred war between angels and demons. With a soul on the line, and Mels's heart at risk, what in heaven - or in hell - will it take to save them both?

After reporter Mels Carmichael hits a disheveled man with her car
outside the local cemetery, she pays a visit to the stranger in the hospital. The only thing he remembers of his past is seeing a name written on a headstone: that of Jim Heron—a fallen angel charged with rescuing souls from the seven deadly sins. Now, as Mels struggles to help this mysterious stranger rediscover himself, Heron himself returns to prepare for a battle between good and evil."

The battle of the fourth soul is the most important battle of Good Vs Evil yet. Jim is still off his game after Sissy, Ad is still grieving Eddie, But don't write the Angels off. Devina isn't quite on her A game either, she is struggling with Jim going back on his word in the last battle. This soul could easily go either way, Especially considering WHO the soul is.
We get to learn so much more about the Angels in this book. We finally find out who Dog is.. Yippee.. and it's so bloody obvious you WILL kick yourself when you find out. Its heartbreaking to watch how much Ad misses Eddie, there is one scene where Devina is playing with Adrian's head, That just had the tears streaming down my face. As much as Ad doesn't believe he is worthy of being an Angel, he does something to show he is so worthy. He is an amazing Angel with a huge heart willing to take one for the team... a huge one for the team...
I really enjoyed this book getting to know more about Matthias and XOps was brilliant too.

Here are some in the process of reading thoughts. As spoiler free as possible, Don't yell at me if I give something away though.

p43- "I hate Devina. I know she's the bad guy/gal & you aren't exactly meant to like her... But well I can't stand that demon!" 
p52-  "Oh my heart just broke into a million pieces. Ad.. :,("
p61-  "Could that be the one and only Lassiter that Ad is referring to? I think it might."
p145- "Hello BoBs. :D"
p393- "*SPOILERish* Oh Jim, the saying "sleeping with the enemy" shouldn't be taken quite so literal! *SMH*"
p477- "DOG!!!!!! I feel so dumb that I didn't work it out sooner. It was right there on the paper... Haha."

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Review: Unspoken Vow (Steele Brothers #2) by Eden Finley

Author: Eden Finley Book: Unspoken Vow Series: Steele Brothers (#2) Genre: MM Romance 𝙃𝙚’𝙨 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙄 𝙬𝙖...