Monday 31 January 2011

The Judging by Ellen C. Maze

The Judging: The Corescu Chronicles Book OneThe Judging (The Corescu Chronicles #1) by Ellen C. Maze

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I won this book from one of Ellen C. Maze's competitions, Ellen wrote inside it “Enjoy the ride”. What a ride it was!

Mark Corescu is like Dexter with fangs.

Mark was a Priest before being transformed into a vampire, back in 1640. He has lived his vampire life, believing he is doing God’s will by killing evildoers of the human race; giving them the chance to repent, before draining their bodies of blood and subsequently ending their lives.

Fate brings two people into his life who make him question whether these judging’s he’s been performing are really the will of God? Or could it be an idea the humanity left in him cooked up so he can live what he has to do to survive?

This is so well written.

Throughout ‘The Judging’ Ellen C. Maze takes you from one characters point of view to the next. I personally find this confusing or annoying in other books. But Ellen does it so well, I found myself enjoying each character as they came along and connecting with them in a way i never thought possible. It was always just at the right time. When I was starting to think what is he/she thinking about this, the next paragraph I’d be in his/her head and he’d/she’d be telling me exactly what I wanted to know or just enough to satisfy my mind for the time being.

I’ll be first in queue to buy ‘Damascus Road: Book Two of The Corescu Chronicles’.

I already have Ellen C. Maze’s other book ‘Rabbit: Chasing Beth Rider’ sat on my kindle waiting to be read next. :)

Everyone should definitely go out and buy this book immediately, you don’t know what your missing.

View all my reviews

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Tease Promo for True Blood Season 4.

Oh My Godric...
Okay there isn't much to see but thats the whole point of a teaser right? I can not wait for TrueBlood to come back... and this says Coming SOON.. hehehe :)

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Kiss of Midnight by Lara Adrian

Kiss of Midnight (Midnight Breed,  #1)Kiss of Midnight (Midnight Breed #1) by Lara Adrian

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book, which was a nice surprise. I had heard if I like J.R.Ward, (whom I adore) I'll like theses books.
I found them very very much like J.R.Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series. They were so much like them, I'm not sure if they were too much like them.

The storyline and characters are great, Lucan is the leader of the Breed warrior's who seems to hate the monster he is.
The Breed are Vampire's who originated from 8 Ancient aliens who crash landed on earth and found the only food they could eat was human blood, they impregnated human women (as the ancients are only men) and the babies are the breed. Thier enemy's are Rogues who are Breed mambers who have become too addicted to Bloodlust.
There are Human women who are born over the years with a birthmark that marks them as a Breedmate (one who is strong enough to carry a breed members child and will become a life long mate)
Gabrielle has one of these Birthmarks and when Lucan finds it he decides he doesn't want to weaken himself by becoming tied to a breedmate. But will he be able to keep himself away from the pull of her Jasmine scented blood.

I'll definately move onto the next book to see which warrior's life we get a look into.

There are some HOT and STEAMY sex scenes in this book. Cold showers WILL be needed after reading.

View all my reviews

Saturday 8 January 2011

Grave Surprise by Charlaine Harris

Grave Surprise (Harper Connelly, #2)Grave Surprise (Harper Connelly #2) by Charlaine Harris

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

**********Contains SPOILER"S***********

I would of given this 3& 1/2 stars if GoodReads star counter it would let me.

Well, i found the "who dun it" very predictable. I pegged Felicia as the murderer from the first meeting she had with Harper and Tolliver. It pissed me off that Harper and Tolliver were so dumb to not figure it out even though they kept pointing the humungous clues. I was practically screaming at the book saying "Oh come on you two!"


I found Harper's reaction her epiphany over her feelings for Tolliver, totally over the top. It was predictable too, I suspected it from the first book when they both kept having pops at each other over thier sexual partners throughout the book. Real brothers and sister's even step ones wuldn't have conversations like that unless they have feelings for each other. I'm guessing throughout the next books we are going to get Harper falling more for him, but pulling away thinking its wrong and Tolliver is going to be thinking she's fed up of traveling with him and he'll let her keep on pulling. Which in return will leave us yelling at her again saying "damn it woman open your eyes, he feels it too.." and "Just make a move Tolliver, come on!" Lol.. I can't see what is wrong with the whole situation either; yes they have been brought up together as teenagers but they are only Step-siblings, it's only like different sex best friends who have realised after being BFF's for thier whole lives they we're looking thier love/soul mate in the face all this time. She even refers to him at one point as "not my brother, my best friend."

We got alot of Harpers back story repeated from the first book and also repeated again throughout the book, which caused me to do some skimming but if you have read Charlaine Harris' Sookie series, You'll find she does that thrughout them too. Which I guess could be for new readers starting the series without reading the earlier books. Our just to refresh our minds if we are say on book 6 and may have forgot those little bits from the first book.

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the book, because I did; at one point I stopped reading updated my GR status and planned on going to sleep (it was past midnight) to find myself over an hour later with Kindle back in hand still reading... Oops

I am definately going to give the next one ago, I just hope Charlaine throws us some Red-Herrings to put us off the track abit.

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Review: Unspoken Vow (Steele Brothers #2) by Eden Finley

Author: Eden Finley Book: Unspoken Vow Series: Steele Brothers (#2) Genre: MM Romance 𝙃𝙚’𝙨 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙄 𝙬𝙖...