Lord John and the Scottish Prisoner by
Diana Gabaldon
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
Awesome awesome awesome....
I have tried to write this without spoilers but there may be little tid bits that couldn't be helped.
I'll start by saying after reading 'An Echo in the Bone' I have really disliked Lord John Grey, -- if you have read it, you should know why-- so I have stayed clear of all the other Lord John Grey books. I bought this book because i knew Jamie was a main character in it. But after reading it Lord John Grey won a tiny little corner of my heart.
In the front of the book it explains that this is set somewhere in the middle of voyager. It does refer to things in the first 3 Outlander Series books so it might be best if you read 'Outlander', 'Dragonfly in Amber' and 'Voyager' first to avoid any confusion.
I really enjoyed this book, I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as 'The outlander books' because I knew I wouldn't get any of the romance between Claire and Jamie that I love so much. But I found that I did enjoy it just as much. I loved getting to see more indepth of what Jamie had been up to in the time that Claire was in the future. His moments of heartache over her absence was beautiful and made me love him all the more. Getting to see his feelings towards Willie grow stronger too was wonderful.
I was excited to see the odd name turn up that is in some of the outlander books set in a later time too. I was slightly disappointed that we didn't get to see how he ended up in Scotland when Claire finds him, it has been a while since I read the Outlander series so maybe it is explained in there and I've forgotten. Definitely an excuse to re-read the series.
To my utter surprise, just as I'd finished the book and read the note from the author section and was more then satisfied, I turned the page to find a special preview of the next Outlander book 'Written in my own hearts blood.' let's just say I was more then excited.
Diana Gabaldon is such a fabulous story teller, she mixes historical facts with fiction so well, with so much detail. I would recommend her books to everyone.
I'll leave you with a little quote that brought a tear to my eye. If your an Outlander fan I'm sure it will affect you in the same way.
“Could I but lay my head in your lap, lass. Feel your hand on me, and sleep wi' the scent of you in my bed.
Christ, Sassenach. I need ye.” ~ Jamie, Lord John and The Scottish Prisoner.
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