Tuesday 31 August 2010

The Shack by William P. Young

This book is an amazing read, it is spiritually profound, theologically enlightening and life impacting.

Visit the The Shack book website

This book is an amazing read, it is spiritually profound, theologically enlightening and life impacting.

If you do not believe in God do not let that put you off it is not bible drivel, (No offence to bible lovers) I am not remotely religious and still loved this book. It asked many questions I have asked myself about Religious beliefs, the bible and God.
Not only did it give me a new perspective on religion, it also gave me a new perspective on my relationships with my family and friends; and how I can change them for the better. This book is a must read.
Please give it a try!

Saturday 28 August 2010

Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon

                             ******      This may contain Spoiler's        ****** 

Dragonfly in Amber is the sequel to Outlander (Cross stitch, UK), and begins in 1968, twenty-one years after we left Claire and Jamie recovering in the French Abbey, pondering their decision to try and stop Bonnie Prince Charlie from starting a war which they know will decimate the Highland Clans.

At first, it is such a shock to be twenty years further on from where u left it, you think you've picked up the wrong book.I checked online in a panic to find that this is in fact the sequel.

Once I picked the book up again, all does become clear was you get over the heart wrenching fact that Claire and Jamie have been separated for twenty years. 

Claire is back in Scotland for the first time since returning to her own time, pregnant and disorientated. Her husband, Frank Randall, has died, and she is keeping a promise to herself to tell her daughter Brianna about her real father. She goes back to the Reverend Wakefield's house to find his adopted son, Roger, in residence after the Reverends death. Roger, too, must hear her story, for reasons she does not reveal until the end. And so, as she tells her story, we learn what happened after the events in Outlander and how she came to return to Frank, and what happened to Jamie. The narrative switches from Roger's 3rd person narrative to Claire's 1st Person narrative. I still can't decide whether I'm a fan of this or not. I found myself at times wanting to skip ahead to either find out what Roger has found or to hear from Claire what happened.

I must admit I found myself flicking through the book to see if she goes back to Jamie's time. It just made me so sad,to read the what Claire thought happen to Jamie and then to read the what Roger believed happened. I was practically screaming at Roger to tell Claire what he thought just so she would go back and find out.
I cried a lot during this book, so if u are planning on reading it whilst out in public or even going out after reading it, be warned you may get puffy eyes.

Diana Gabaldon books are long books, But she tells a great story, the historical facts are extremely well-researched. I just love this series and once finished this installment couldn't wait to start Voyager (book 3)

True Blood Season 3: Almost at an end.

 It only feels like yesterday that I was getting so excited that Season 3 was starting (in less then 24 hours). I cant believe we are waiting for the last 2 episodes already. Below is a teaser of whats coming up in the last 2 episodes.

         ********** May be SPOILER'S if you haven't read the books  **********

I started with the books and although Alan Ball has made some changes he seems to be sticking with them where it is important, until now. I am a huge fan of Eric whilst reading and watching the show.

The last episode (#10: I smell a rat.) has got me worried about where Alan is taking Eric and even Pam. I just hope I am wrong. I will have to re-read the book just to make sure I am remembering it wrong, but I don't believe Eric would be so harsh to chain Sookie up and us her. Although its not until 'Dead to the world' (book 4) that things really happen between Eric and Sookie when he gets amnesia. I still don't think he would be so bad.

Maybe Alan is just making us get worried and is going to twist it all round for the good in the end. Perhaps Eric is just chaining Sookie up to keep her there knowing to well she won't do as she is told. Sookie does what Sookie wants. Although the trailer above has a few more scenes that look worrying too.

Perhaps I am just over analysing it all. After all we can only wait and see. :)

Review: Unspoken Vow (Steele Brothers #2) by Eden Finley

Author: Eden Finley Book: Unspoken Vow Series: Steele Brothers (#2) Genre: MM Romance 𝙃𝙚’𝙨 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙄 𝙬𝙖...