Thursday 30 August 2018

Blog Tour: Texan Hearts by Lindsay Detwiler

Title: Texan Hearts
Series: Lines in the Sand, bk 3
Release Date: August 11, 2018
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: Claire Smith
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Join hot cowboy Levi and quirky author Jodie in a fun short story of heat, cringe-worthy families, and dramas of the heart.
“You’re out of control,” I say as he leads me back to some cryptic place behind the rodeo. “And you love it,” he murmurs, turning to kiss me, his hands wandering, making me thankful in all sorts of ways for a very Texan and very scandalous Thanksgiving rodeo.
When Levi Creed, the sexy cowboy, takes Jodie Ellison home for a true Texan Thanksgiving, she has no idea what kind of rowdy holiday she’s in for. As Levi and Jodie’s families unite for one crazy dinner, Jodie uncovers Levi’s roots. Will the scorching Texas heat unite their already smoldering hearts, or will elements of Levi’s past prove to be too much for the new couple?
 Only 99c!
Ocean City, Maryland, and everything I love drifts away beneath the cover of clouds.
Well, almost everything I love. I’m holding the hand of the guy I’m head over heels for, the one who prompted this exodus from Ocean City, my work, and my cat, Sebastian.
“You ready for this?” he asks, squeezing my hand as I shift in my seat and avert my eyes from the window.
“I think so. I’m excited. I’ve always wanted to go to Texas,” I admit.
“You just never knew you’d get to do it with a stud of a cowboy, right?” he teases, kissing my cheek.
“Cowboy turned beach bum, I believe,” I reply, grinning. The sensation of his hand in mine, of his lips on my cheek never gets old.
I lean my head on his shoulder, settling in for the flight, thinking about what a big step it is.
Well, the first big step came when I smashed down the wall between our apartments. That was a bit gutsier than this. Still, when Levi Creed and his six feet two inches of cowboy glory moved in next door, I’d never imagined that come Thanksgiving, I’d be heading to Texas to meet his family.
Most of all, I didn’t think I’d be this nervous. I want them to like me.
It was Levi’s idea to make the trip now, Thanksgiving week. I hate that I’m missing the annual Midsummer Nights’ Thanksgiving extravaganza, Reed and Lysander’s yearly black-tie affair. I’ll miss them and everyone else there. When I’d broken the news, they promptly exclaimed “yee-haw,” which is becoming way too common these days—even though Levi says not everyone in Texas constantly uses the stereotypical phrase and it is mildly offensive.
They simply yee-hawed at that as well.
Nonetheless, the prospect of spending a holiday in a family setting, in Levi’s family setting, is appealing too. It’s been a while since I’ve done the whole traditional family thing, with Mom jet-setting around the world for her travel blog. I’ve grown accustomed to the holidays passing by without a lot of fuss.
If we don’t go now, we might not make it for a while. Wild Hearts is coming along. We’ve got a lot of work to do, but it looks like it will be ready for business come this spring. We’re even establishing a café area where Reed and Lysander will cater with Midsummer favorites that have been made more “Southwestern.” Reed already has two Pinterest boards loaded with ideas, and he calls Levi basically every day with a new dish he thinks will be a huge hit.
It’s good to see everyone so passionate, though.
“I can’t believe your grandpa didn’t come with us,” I say.
Levi shrugs. “He said he has other plans for the holidays.”
I smirk, peering into those brown eyes.
“Cindy,” we say in unison. I shake my head.
“She’s at least twenty-five years younger.”
“What can I say…,” Levi begins.
“Do not even say it’s Texan charm,” I tease, nudging him in the ribs. He’s been insisting his own charm is irresistible.
“Mama’s going to love you,” he says now, kissing my cheek again. It’s like he knows I need the reassurance.

* * * 
 Lines in the Sand Series 

Inked Hearts
(book 1)

Wild Hearts
(book 2)
On sale for half price!

Hidden Hearts
Releasing September 29, 2018

A high school English teacher, an author, and a fan of anything pink and/or glittery, Lindsay's the English teacher cliché; she love cats, reading, Shakespeare, and Poe.

She currently lives in her hometown with her husband, Chad (her junior high sweetheart); their cats, Arya, Amelia, Alice, and Bob; and their Mastiff, Henry.

Lindsay's goal with her writing is to show the power of love and the beauty of life while also instilling a true sense of realism in her work. Some reviewers have noted that her books are not the “typical romance.” With her novels coming from a place of honesty, Lindsay examines the difficult questions, looks at the tough emotions, and paints the pictures that are sometimes difficult to look at. She wants her fiction to resonate with readers as realistic, poetic, and powerful. Lindsay wants women readers to be able to say, “I see myself in that novel.” She wants to speak to the modern woman’s experience while also bringing a twist of something new and exciting. Her aim is for readers to say, “That could happen,” or “I feel like the characters are real.” That’s how she knows she's done her job.

Lindsay's hope is that by becoming a published author, she can inspire some of her students and other aspiring writers to pursue their own passions. She wants them to see that any dream can be attained and publishing a novel isn’t out of the realm of possibility.

 Riding the Lines Submissions

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Cover Reveal: Foundations by Leigh Lennon

Title: Foundations
Series: The Power of Three Love #1
Author: Leigh Lennon
Genre: MMF
Cover Design: Najla Qamber
Release Date: September 12, 2018


My career took focus in my life while trying to make a name for myself in a male dominated field. I kept my gender under wraps until I was able to let my expertise speak for itself. But I was knocked off my axis when I ran into Arden, the man I had compared all men to since our one night together. Now he was taken—by another man—a very dominant man.

The love I had for my man ran deep. But I’d never forgotten her. From the very beginning, Daimen and I agreed to our non-traditional life—two men loving one another until we found that woman we could claim as ours. Now, she was standing in front of me, unaware she was a marked woman.

I had loved my best friend from an early age. The day Arden submitted to me, was a dream come true. That was until a sexy and sassy blonde entered our life and turned it upside down. I see something in her that scared me. But I would make her mine, mine and Arden’s. Claiming hatred would follow us everywhere, Elliot fought us at every turn.

Will the three of us create our own unconventional happily ever after or will she leave us heartbroken? 


(Elliot's POV)

My phone had not stopped buzzing all night long. With my Shiraz as my only company, the beautiful voice of Norah Jones as my backdrop, and the memories of Daimen and Arden together in their office, I stared aimlessly at the same scuff mark on my wall. Hell, shit and about a dozen other curse words flitted through my mind at Daimen taking Arden over his desk. Yep, of course, Daimen would top Arden. That was not surprising nor was how my body reacted to them. Two hot men together. Forget Pornhub, I’d just replay them in my mind forever. 

When the ring tone assigned to Andrew started to chime, I reached for my cell. Freaking hell, I had twenty missed calls from Arden and Daimen.

“Ell, you okay?” No hellos or formalities, Andrew worked on facts, and in his tone, that was what he was after.
“Hell, I’m not even sure how to answer you but you were right—Arden told me tonight that they are looking to add a woman to their committed relationship.” I waited for some sort of reaction from my best friend, but I got none, at all. “I shouldn’t be blindsided especially after I walked in on them fucking like rabbits in the office. But I am. I thought I’d dodged this bullet. But then, he told me they wanted me. Shit, Andrew. Can you believe this?”

Andrew had not made a peep or sound at my revelation. Looking at the phone to make sure we were still connected, I finally heard him. “First, fuck, was it hot, them fucking like that?” 

“Shit Andrew, you’re not helping,” I screamed in the phone, and though I wouldn’t admit it to my best friend, it was hotter than hell. 

Author Bio

Leigh Lennon is mother, veteran and a wife of a cancer survivor. Originally with a degree in education, she started writing as an outlet that has led to a deep passion. She lugs her computer with her as she crafts her next story. Her imaginary friends become real on her pages as she creates a world for them. She loves pretty nails, spikey hair and large earrings. Leigh can be found drinking coffee or wine, depending on the time of the day.

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Tuesday 28 August 2018

Release Blitz: Payback's a Bitch by Missy Johnson

Title: Payback's A Bitch
Series: Awkward Love #6
Author: Missy Johnson
Genre: Romance
Release Date: August 27, 2018


I’m the girl who likes ‘the cock in the back hole’

At least, that’s what the dating profile my so-called friends set up for me claims. I’m also into BDSM, Furries and ‘I’ll try anything twice.’

I have no idea the profile exists until the replies start rolling in. They range from funny, to downright creepy and everything in between. Just as I’m shutting down my email account for good, a new message pops up.

He’s funny and he's the only one to suspect the profile is a joke, so I think what the hell? I reply.

When he suggests that we meet, I say yes. When I walk into that bar, he's sitting at a table, facing the other way. He turns his head just enough for me to be able to make out his face…


It’s Cameron Hunter, one of the rudest, most arrogant assholes I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting.

He's also the son of one of the state's most influential judges.

The same judge who's about to become my step-father...

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Author Bio

Missy lives in central Victoria with her husband, three-year-old daughter, two cats, two dogs and turtle.  When she's not writing, she can usually be found …oh wait. She’s always writing.

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Review: Unspoken Vow (Steele Brothers #2) by Eden Finley

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