Monday 21 July 2014

Release Blitz: Revive (Storm MC #3) by Nina Levine.

Revive by Nina Levine

Book #3 of Storm MC Series

Release Date: July 21st 

Cover Designer: LM Creations

Photographer: CJC Photography

Model: Joseph Troisi

 Come Join Revive Release Party:  JOIN HERE

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He doesn’t
do relationships.  Neither does she.  But they can’t fight the
attraction any longer…

Nash Walker
hides the demons that consume his soul.  He buries them deep and distracts
himself with sex.  Anything to avoid facing a past full of heartbreak and
regret; anything to numb the pain that he struggles with daily.

Velvet Carr
has spent years fighting her demons.  It’s a fight she’s winning.
 That is, until Nash crashes his way into her life and into her heart.

It started
out as a bit of harmless fun between friends; it wasn’t meant to get
complicated for either of them.  But when two broken souls come together
and arouse unwanted feelings in each other, complicated is what happens. 

Can Nash and
Velvet help heal each other and revive the love in their lives that they’ve
both been refusing to allow in for years?  Or will they let their demons
ruin any chance they may have at happiness?


Book #2
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Book #2.5
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Book #4: 
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USA Today Bestselling Author Nina Levine, is an
Aussie author who writes stories about hot, alpha men and the tough,
independent women they love.

When she isn't creating with words, she loves
to create with paint and paper. Often though, she can be found curled up with a
good book and some chocolate.




Sunday 20 July 2014

Cover Reveal: Forbidden Love (Needle's Kiss #3) by Lola Stark.

Title: Forbidden Love
Series: Needle's Kiss #3
Author: Lola Stark

Cover Design: LM Creations
Expected Release Date:  August 2014


Haven is his best friend’s little sister.

Jude’s been in her life since before she could walk.

She’s got secrets. He’s got baggage.

When the two of them collide, their lives shatter.

Will they be able to put the pieces back together?

Or will the jagged edges hurt those they care about the most?


#1 Tattered Love

#2 Conflicted Love


What to say ? Errrr...

Lola hates all things sultanas.
Lola is a little strange and unusual.
Lola has no brain-to-mouth filter (this may or may not have gotten Lola into trouble - repeatedly).
Lola is a single mum who despises drama and sh*t talkers.
Lola is keeping Coca-cola in business one 2lt bottle at a time.
Apparently, Lola likes to talk in the third person about herself.

This here is what my profile says everywhere: Lola Stark lives in Australia, Is an at-home mummy with no filter, raising a hoard of minions. Lola has loved to read for as long as she can remember. When not wrangling the children, she can be found sitting at her computer, writing, facebooking or just generally messing around. I know, I know third person again.

So what else can I tell you about me ? I have a dog, 3 birds and a pet rock. I was a teen mum (DON'T DO IT). Right now, I'm alternating writing this and yelling at my kids to stop jumping on the bed and to go the f*ck to sleep before I push them off. I may be a little... okay very, inappropriate...often. Junk food and I have an understanding: I eat it, it hibernates around my ass and thighs. I live and breathe music, almost any kind is fine by me. I cuss like a sailor and sometimes smell like one too (hey now, McJudgy, you can't shower, brush your teeth or hair if you're in the middle of writing a book). I make a mean potato-layer bake and I have slight road rage. I struggle not to laugh when my kids are inappropriate and say screwy sh*t. I don't really like people...I'm that creepy chick who sits in the corner till she has a booze buzz going on, then I'm as loud as f*ck. I have an addiction to shoes. I smoke like a chimney. So that's me! I'm screwy and funsized (it's not called short anymore). You'll either love me or hate me, but I am always just ME!



Friday 18 July 2014

Book Blitz: Cowboy Town by Kasey Millstead

Title: Cowboy Town

Series: Down Under Cowboy #1

Author: Kasey Millstead

Release Date: July 18, 2013


Ever since her parents passed away in a tragic car accident, Eden Cross has been living a quiet, stable and predictable life in inner Sydney – the total opposite of her carefree, relaxed, happy-go-lucky past. Her parents passing and the fact she’s an only child meant Eden was left with her best friend, Jules and Matt, her boyfriend of three years as her only family. That was until she discovered something about Matt that would turn her life upside down. Eden leaves Sydney in a hurry and begins an adventure that takes her across four Australian states before she lands in Pine Creek, Northern Territory.

Jackson Henley has lived in Pine Creek his entire life. He runs a massive cattle and cropping station with his twin brother, Jeremy, which they inherited when their parents retired. He’s had a bad experience with relationships courtesy of The Bitch - Dannika, so lately he’s preferred to play the field. That is, until he comes face to face with the stunning brunette beauty who’s behind the bar at the Cow and Calf. The problem is, she won’t tell him her name, she won’t give him the time of day, and she won’t give him a chance to prove himself.

What’s it going to take for Eden to give Jackson a chance? Does he have the patience to even bother fighting for her? How will he handle the competition?

In the end, will Jackson have what it takes to convince Eden to start living again, instead of just existing?

LINKS to buy


#2 Sky Cowboy

#3 Cowboy Dreams


“Hey, gorgeous, can I get another beer?”  I turn my attention from the one-man show and spot Luke, the guy who was here yesterday, and he’s waving an empty glass at me.

“Sure thing,” I reply. I grab a glass and pull his beer, hand it to him, take his money and
return his change. 

“So, Dory’s put ya to work, has she?”

“Just helping her out for tonight,” I smile, then sweep my gaze along the bar checking that no one needs refills.  It’s during this exercise that I spot the man who has just walked in.  My breath gets caught in my throat as I watch him take a seat at the bar.  I see his lips move and he’s smiling at people but it’s too loud to hear what he’s saying.  I’m captivated.  He’s utterly gorgeous.  The epitome of Cowboy Hot.  His hair is dark and his jaw is square.  His body is built – broad across the shoulders and narrowing slightly at his hips. He spots someone across the bar and hands them a fully-fledged, bright white, straight-toothed smile.  My breath leaves me in a whoosh, and then catches again as what has to be his twin slides onto the stool beside him.  Oh my fucking god.

I’ve got a job to do. I have to pull it together.  It’s not like I’ve never been in contact with good looking guys before.  I worked in one of Sydney’s hottest bars for four years for fuck’s sake.  I mentally slap myself across the face and tell myself to pull it together.  Then I walk across to where they’re sitting and set about getting their order.

“What’ll it be, boys?” I ask in my most relaxed I’m-not-affected-by-you-at-all voice.

Hotty One unashamedly rakes his gaze over my body.  Slowly. So slowly, I feel my blood start to heat – just from him looking at me.  I must be going mad.  Perhaps it’s the heat up here.  I’m not used to it all.  I really should have worn some linen shorts instead of jeans.

“You, later,” he winks suggestively when he finally pulls his eyes to mine.  Now, don’t get me wrong – the wink was hot. Fucking hot.  It was the way he said it that turned me off.  You know those guys that can get anyone they want? Yeah, they’re not so bad.  It’s the ones who can get anyone they want, and they know it, and they show it – that’s the turn off.  Just with that line, Hotty One has shown me he’s a player, unfaithful, untrustworthy and most definitely not the kind of guy I want to get involved with – in bed, or out of.  But, as a woman, I’d rather die than have him know how he affected me, so I tilt my head to the side, smile my cheeky smile and say, “Not tonight, handsome. Or ever. Drink?”


Kasey Millstead lives a quiet life in country New South Wales, Australia, with her husband and their four young children. She enjoys baking, singing (ridiculously out of tune) and spending time with friends and family. Kasey has always harboured a deep love for reading and writing, and she is now lucky enough to be living her dream of being an Author.



Review: Unspoken Vow (Steele Brothers #2) by Eden Finley

Author: Eden Finley Book: Unspoken Vow Series: Steele Brothers (#2) Genre: MM Romance 𝙃𝙚’𝙨 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙄 𝙬𝙖...