Monday 28 April 2014

Cover Reveal: Born to Ride, A Clubhouse Collection


Title: Born to Ride: A Clubhouse Collection

Cover DesignerLouisa at LM Creations

Release Date: May 5, 2014 - Available for a Limited Time Only!!


6 Biker Books from some of today's bestselling authors in 1 Unbelievably Awesome Collection!

Blend biker antho 2.jpg-2

FIGHTING TO STAY – Kasey Millstead
“Wanna take a ride, sugar?” His voice is thick, husky and laced with the sexual tension that is radiating between us.

After enduring a tough childhood, Lacey has spent her life running when things get too hard. When her boyfriend hits her, she runs again and ends up in Alabama.

She meets Mayhem MC Vice Pesident, Roam, and falls hard and fast. When curveballs are thrown and lies are told, will Roam be able to convince her that it’s time she started Fighting to Stay?


STORM – Nina Levine
"Baby, it's always been you.  Always."

Madison Cole’s family is the Storm Motorcycle Club.  Two years ago she walked away from them and the world they live in.  Jason Reilly has sacrificed a lot for the Storm MC, and two years ago he made the biggest sacrifice of all; he gave up the woman he loved for them.  Now they've been thrown back together; can they overcome their past and discover love again or will the harsh reality of their world break them both?


A Girl On The Run

Her father gave her one task before he died - deliver a package.

Now she's got the baddest biker in the state after her - He wants what she's got.

Secrets of the past and present threaten to destroy everything she's worked for.

A dark love, a jagged past, two worlds will collide to make something explosive.


Ana Belle never wanted anything more than to hang up her apron, jump on her Vespa and ride off into the sunset, leaving Sugartown in the dust.

Elijah Cade never wanted anything more than a hot meal, a side of hot arse and a soft place to lay his head at night where he could forget about his biker past.

She'd be willing to hand over everything tied up in a big red bow, but when Elijah's secrets come to light, their relationship is pushed to breaking point.

And you thought small towns were boring.

Welcome to Sugartown.


"I'd love to taste you right now, babe, but my woman wants me to fuck her, so that's what I'm gonna do."

Zara Edgingway is a twenty-six-year-old secretary and about to face her next obstacle in life, the one she ran from six years ago: her ex husband.

Talon Marcus is the president of the Hawks Motorcycle Club. For two years, he's had his eye on the quiet, yet sassy, neighbor Zara. The time has come were she'll need, not only his protection, but the help from his biker brothers. Now, if only she'd stop fighting him along the way.


RYDER- Jani Kay

“Princess was my Juliet and I was her Romeo – I would give my last breath for her.”

Ryder wants inner peace and freedom from the torment of his childhood. Adopted by the Scorpio Stinger MC after a stint in juvie, he owes his life and loyalty to his brothers. What he doesn’t want is a judgemental, smart mouthed princess who thinks she is better than him. Jade, a newly qualified lawyer, wants a man who is perfect for her and will give her the charmed life she is accustomed too. She doesn’t want a demanding and foulmouthed biker in her life. But neither can get the other out of their head. Their undeniable chemistry is off the charts. Ryder wants Jade, but she has a secret that will stop them from ever being together. Until one fateful night when Ryder rescues Princess on his metal horse. Can they resist one another? Can two people, so different in every way, find love? Or will their different worlds collide and tear them apart?

“Princess was my Juliet and I was her Romeo – I would give my last breath for her.”


Cover Reveal: Code Name: Nina's Choice (A Warrior's Challenge #3) by Natasza Waters

"Navy SEAL sniper Mace Callahan has a sharp eye focused on Nina. When another warrior takes aim at her, Mace wages war for her heart." 
Nina Samson, an analyst working at Coronado Base Command, lands in Navy sniper Mace Callahan’s lap like an I.E.D. Two weeks of fiery passion with the lithe redhead, and the self-proclaimed bachelor raises the white flag.
Arriving in San Diego, Nina, a single mother with an eight-year-old daughter, spots danger ahead. Mace’s Hollywood goods looks and wicked smile makes her heart run a zip-line of crazy. Lust for the sexy SEAL swiftly turns to fear when he deploys to Syria for a mission.

Mace returns home angry. Believing his injury destroys their future, unable to pleasure any woman, especially one like Nina, he tries to sever their relationship. She deflects every round Mace fires at her heart, determination controlling the helm. Just as the seas calm, fate advances. Another warrior sets his sights on her. Mace will wage war for her heart, but it’s “Nina’s Choice”.
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Cover Reveal: More Than Forever (More #4) by Jay McLean


Release date: July 12th 2014.

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There is a love so fierce it cannot be measured. 

A heart so strong it will never slow. 

There is a promise so sure it can never lie.

He promised me that love forever.

Even when it wasn't enough.


Forever. Everlasting. Eternal.

There is no measure of time. 

No sounds of the ticking of a clock. 

Just the rising and falling of the sun.

And our own sense of forever. 

But our forever isn't always.

The More Series

More Than This, #1


In one night my fairytale ended. Or it may have begun. This is my story of friendship and love, heartbreak and desire, and the strength to show weakness. 


One night I met a girl. A sad and broken girl, but one more beautiful than any other. She laughed through her sadness, while I loved through her heartbreak. 

*This is our story of a maybe ever after.* 

He was right. It made no difference whether it was 6 months or 6 years. 

I couldn’t undo what had been done. I couldn’t change the future. 

I couldn’t even predict it. 

It was one night. 

One night when everything changed. 

It was so much more than just the betrayal. 

It was the Tragedy. 

The Deaths. 

The Murders. 

But it was also that feeling. 

The feeling of falling.



What readers are saying about More Than This. 

“ The writing is amazing, great characters and so creative.  

“ I absolutely loved the characters in this book.  ” 

“ This book made me mad, sad & made me laugh & cry...& all in the 1st 20% of the was one gigantic emotional roller coaster!!  ” 

More Than Her, #2

For every action there is an equal or opposite reaction. "For every choice you make there are rewards, or there are consequences. It was my choice to walk away the first time. And my choice to chase her the second. But sometimes you don't get a choice, and all you get are the consequences.” "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Unless that someone is Logan Matthews. Because loving him didn't give me the strength to walk away. It didn't give me the courage to fight for him. And when it was over, all it gave me was a broken heart. 

What readers are saying about More Than Her. 

“ I still feel bad because I want Logan and Amanda to be happy now.  ” 

“ The book ends with a OMG what just happened cliffhanger.  ” 
Amazeballs Book Addicts

“ Jay writes such amazing, lovable characters (well most of them) that you immediately fall in love and don't want the story to end.  ” 
~ Sassy Sext Addiction Book Lovers

More Than Him, #3

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us." - Marianne Williamson

We live in a world of darkness and shadows,
where monsters hide and aim to ruin.
And they did.
They ruined us and turned our dreams into nightmares.
But now we're back.
And we're fighting.
Not just for us, or for each other, but for our light.


What readers are saying about More Than Him.  
“ I fell in love with Logan and Amanda in More Than Her.  
~ Rebecca
“ The author has such an amazing way of telling a story and making you feel like you are one of the characters and you're feeling their emotions.  
~ Leslee
“ The book made me laugh, cry and laugh again.  
~ Sharon

Jay Mclean is the author of the successful, mature YA and new adult contemporary novels in the More Series which include More Than This, More Than Her, and More Than Him, as well as, the upcoming standalone novel The Road. Her goal is to write books that make you FEEL, whether it’s swooning over a book boyfriend, laughing, crying or throwing your kindle across the room, her goal is to take you on an emotional journey that will leave you craving MORE. When she isn’t locked away in her cave writing, she can be found spending time with her two adorable little boys, reading, and getting to know her readers. She has a love for red gummy bears and a hatred of creepy moths. She attempts to avoid housework at all cost…often by distracting herself with an old school One Tree Hill marathon.

 You can visit Jay online for new releases, updates and teasers at or stalk her at or

Saturday 26 April 2014

Promo Post: Scary Modsters World Improvement Project. Featuring Guest post by Diane Rinella

Scary Modsters… and Creepy Freaks

A fantastical romance involving a girl, the music that fuels her, and her Ouija board.

Rosalyn possesses a sunny personality that is laced with quirks. Although she seeks acceptance in a world where she lives out of time, what she gets is ridiculed for her eclectic wardrobe and unconventional music collection.

One fateful night, Rosalyn bewitches Niles, a stylish man whose offbeat character perfectly complements her own. Unfortunately, he possesses a critical flaw that means relationship suicide for him and pretty much anyone.

While under the influence of insomnia-impaired judgment, Rosalyn summons Rock ‘n Roll deity Peter Lane back from the dead. Not only does he spin her hormones into a frenzy, Peter is also the precarious puzzle piece that brings sense into her world. When Niles learns that he can overcome his life-long challenge by helping Peter avenge his death, how far will he go to secure Rosalyn’s heart?

A brunette, a raven-haired beauty, and a girl looking like a peacock all walk into a bar. No, it's not a joke; it's my not-so-mundane life that generally feels like the setup for a wisecrack.
No matter how many times my friends and I claim we are going to do something new, every Friday night we find our tushes planted at Mulligan's. However, today our weekly Friday night venture truly seemed out of the cards since my friends were originally too tired from their workweeks to consider anything short of collapsing. When you are in your early thirties and single you should be embracing life, not rotting on a sofa. Thus when my friends bailed I detoured into Warped Records which is both a second home and how I envision my little corner of Heaven. Some would call the smell of old album covers a dank stench, but to me it's a musky perfume that seeps into my pores and comforts me with the knowledge that no matter what fails me I always have my sanctuary.
Among the bins of paradise and the blaring Siouxsie the perfect gem captured my gaze and held it for ransom. Before me was a pair of eyes so unlike any other that they were nearly indescribable.
Piercing? No. That implies they shot through my skin and reached my heart; however, these somehow reached my soul. Captivating? Again that was misleading. While they did hold my attention they also kept me at bay. Perhaps haunting? Yes, they did indeed haunt me. They also seemed to follow me to wherever I stood. A true description was so elusive that the color wasn't easily defined. They were deep blue, yet also flannel grey with a hint of green. In a certain light they seemed black with specks of gold. 
All of these emotions and colors were brought forth by just one picture—a picture on an album that had been slipped into plastic and unceremoniously tacked to the wall, yet somehow it jumped out at me and begged for worship.
“Who are those guys?” I asked Shane, the store's clerk. Shane's tight black pants, white Split Enz T-shirt, black suspenders, and short, curly brown hair made him look like a skinny, nineteen eighties teenager in a forty-something-year-olds body. His hot pink English Beat button sold the outfit. In an odd way our obsessions make us kindred spirits. It may be like we are third cousins, twice removed, but kindred nonetheless.
“Not a clue.” Shane absent-mindedly tapped a pencil on a note pad while his hazel eyes sat on a ragged copy of Rolling Stone that was decades out of date. “How is it you don't know? You're the super genius that no one can stump.” He sighed, conceding to the call of duty. “I suppose you want me to halt my important work and show it to you.”
“If it's not too much of a bother to pull yourself away from that fascinating article on INXS that is so old it will soon disintegrate, then yes, please. I would appreciate your struggle of removing the tack for a lady.”
With the flick of his wrist, Shane sent the magazine spinning across the counter. “Geez, you practically live here so I thought you would be more at home yanking the thing off yourself.” 
“Glad to see that chivalry is alive and well at Warped Records.”
The album was presented with a bow. “Milady, as per your request.” Shane's smugness made me grin. “Anyway, it arrived with some other records from a recent estate sale. Rob seemed to know who they were.”
My eyes honed in on the price tag. “Six dollars? That's a lot for a potentially crappy band no one has heard of.”
Shane's view floated from the magazine to the notepad. “Yep. Six bucks is what this says. I hung it next to the two hundred dollar, Jagger-signed, Goat's Head Soup to be funny.”
Four men, who were partially obscured by a golden overlay of paisleys and swirls, stared back at me. Their clothes were colorful, slightly Edwardian, and accented with fur. It was all very fashionable for the nineteen sixty-eight copyright printed on the back of the cover that held no liner notes. Three of the men felt so insignificant that they were but mere blurs. All I noticed was the cute one with the sandy blonde hair and magnetic eyes whose signature started with the letter P.

 My fingers glided over the autograph whose ink felt as if it were luxurious azure velvet. It also gave off an energy that put a beat in my head. What really caught my attention was a spot of what appeared to be dried blood. When I touched it, a fuzz reminiscent of the thrill I get when hearing a vintage guitar effects pedal vibrated through. I had to have that album!

Author Bio
Enjoying San Francisco as a backdrop, the ghosts in Diane’s 150-year old Victorian home augment the chorus in her head. With insomnia as their catalyst, these voices have become multifarious characters that haunt her well into the sun’s crowning hours, refusing to let go until they have manipulated her into succumbing to their whims. Her experiences as an actress, business owner, artisan cake designer, software project manager, Internet radio disc jockey, vintage rock n’ roll journalist/fangirl, and lover of dark and quirky personalities influence her idiosyncratic writing.


Purchase Loves Forbidden Flower: Amazon

For every 500 entries The Autism Society of America receives $5. Maximum of this donation is $20.

Guest Post
In Scary Modsters… and Creepy Freaks, rock star Peter Lane closes eyes in 1968 and reopens them in 2014. He expects to see positive changes. Instead, he sees the world in even more turmoil than when he left it. Peter’s discoveries changed me, and I can no longer turn a blind eye to the world’s problems for they are my problems too. This week I have asked authors and bloggers to post about ways to improve the world, whether it is about a charity that needs attention, how a smile can turn a mood around, or how we can all help save the planet.

I’d like to thank Aimie for allowing me to guest post today. I’d also like to thank you for taking time to read this. I hope you will find inspiration.

Oh, and about this giveaway. There is a second donation to be made, if you help me. I’ve decided to donate my promo budget to charity. For every 500 entries I will donate $5 to The Autism Society Of America. There is a cap on this donation of $20, which is the amount I had set aside for promotion on social media. So please enter and make me spend my money!

Cancer Fighting Bracelets
Diane Rinella

Helping to save the world can be as simple as recycling something to keep it out of landfill. Other times it involves expensive and complex science, like cancer research. All of us want to save the planet and end the suffering its inhabitants are enduring, but it seems daunting. It can also be costly. In a time of economic crisis, how do you find money to donate? Once more, who has the time to volunteer? When you work long hours every bit of down time is precious. So how do you make it all work? 

The point of the Scary Modsters World Improvement Project is to help both the planet and its inhabitants. Ron Foos does both daily. Ron is best known as long time (over forty years) bassist for acclaimed 1960’s rock icons Paul Revere & The Raiders. What many don’t know is that he is a resourceful man on a mission. Having watched the suffering of numerous family members, friends, and fans, Ron wanted to find a way to increase cancer awareness, raise money for research, and to bring forth some smiles along the way. Since he had a bunch of used guitar and bass strings that seemed destined for landfill, he got to work and discovered a new talent—jewelry making.

With the little bit of free time he has between touring, composing, producing & recording, Ron recycles his used bass strings. He admits, "It’s hard to know which strings are from which recordings or tours with such artists as: Three Dog Night’s Chuck Negron, Mitch Ryder, Righteous Bros' Bill Medley, The Association, Kenny G's Jon Raymond, The Supremes’ Mary Wilson, Nancy Sinatra, Billy Ray Cyrus, Paul Revere & The Raiders and many others.....” One thing we know is, they are all full of his DNA and lots of Rock n Roll history. He adds clasps, beads, and other adornments to create treasures. In turn, each month he sends a check to the American Cancer Society for a portion of the proceeds. This means that he is saving the planet, helping to fight cancer, and getting his downtime in while being productive and bringing happiness to the fans that buy them. (He even gets some serious bidding wars going!) You can’t get much of a bigger win than that.

To learn more about Ron’s cancer fighting bracelets, visit him at

Do you have a similar project? I’d love to hear about it! Contact me on Facebook and share the news.

Cover reveal: Harbour (Runaway Home #1) by Penelope Louleas


Harbour Manning's life wasn't going to plan. 

After finding her boyfriend, Derek, between the thighs of another woman, she was forced to re evaluate her life. When an offer to uproot and move to New York is presented to her, she grabs it with both hands and runs with it. 

Lincoln Whitmore's engagement to model Rachael started with fireworks, but soon the love they shared diminished. On his final night in the city before a much-needed escape, Lincoln meets a gorgeous and funny woman, a woman so refreshing he is torn between wanting to stay and wanting to run. 

A chance meeting has Harbour unable to forget the mystery man who captivated her instantly, and she once again finds herself thrust into his world. 

What would you do if you found the one? How long would it take you to realize you couldn't live without them? And what happens when someone from your miserable past comes back with a reason for you to let go of your happy future? 

When all the odds seem against her, will she stay and fight or go running back home? 

Life doesn't always go to plan, but that doesn't mean you're heading in the wrong direction. 


Contact Penelope on Facebook

Review: Unspoken Vow (Steele Brothers #2) by Eden Finley

Author: Eden Finley Book: Unspoken Vow Series: Steele Brothers (#2) Genre: MM Romance 𝙃𝙚’𝙨 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙄 𝙬𝙖...