Saturday 22 March 2014

Cover Reveal: Savage Possession (The Mystic Wolves Series #5) by Belinda Boring

The release date will be announced soon.
Want to be the first to find out?  Sign up for Belinda's mailing list.
Growing up, Darcy knew that life would be filled with challenges and tough decisions, but none so difficult as the one that would alter her future forever. Given the choice between losing Mason or becoming a vampire, Darcy risks the overwhelming threat of insanity, and places her destiny, her hopes and dreams, in the hands of Devlin. When she survives the conversion and shows how truly strong she is, everyone thinks that the worst is behind them. It’s time to get back to normal—or their new normal—and live happily ever after.
But danger still lurks within the shadows—both in Woodside Hollow, the supernatural community, and within Darcy. Even though she looks fine, she seems “altered” to those closest to her, something beyond the expected consequences of her dual nature. With reports of dark rituals  and blood sacrifices being performed, the Council has their hands filled trying to solve that mystery, leaving Mason scrambling to find out what’s wrong with his mate.
Will the imbalance warring within Darcy eventually settle, or will her decision to become part vampire-part werewolf lead to a SAVAGE POSSESSION?

Haven't started The Mystic Wolves Series yet?  Start it off with the first book that is free!

What would you do if a simple errand takes a deadly twist, turning you from cautious prey to dangerous predator?

Someone is trying to send a deadly message to Mason, arranging the deaths of those he loves and it puts the entire pack and Alpha on high alert. Darcy understands the primal instincts driving her beloved Mason's commands. With the help of those he sets as protectors, she learns about herself and the things she'll need to help support her Alpha and pack. When events turn dire however, one truth offers her strength - once given, oaths are unbreakable ... even if it means risking it all.


About Belinda Boring

A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self-proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. It wasn't long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can't help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn't be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes. Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends, and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life. Happy reading!
oes. Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends, and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life. Happy reading!

Contact Links

Thursday 20 March 2014

Cover Reveal: I Know Lucy by Melissa Pearl

Releases on April 20, 2014
Genre: YA Romantic Suspense
Lucy Tate is on the run. After witnessing the brutal murder of her parents, she's spent five years in hiding -- taking on different personas and faking her way through life. The authorities can't be trusted, so she remains in the shadows, always one beat ahead of the man who is forever hunting her. That is, until she meets Zach Schultz, a senior at Monte Vista High and the one guy she can’t bear to leave. Suddenly her natural instincts to lie, steal, and run are overshadowed by something else...the desire to stay. It’s her one shot at a normal life.
Curious by nature, Zach is immediately drawn to the new girl at school. How can a person look both confident and vulnerable all in the same moment? Determined to learn more about her, he tries to get close, but is thrown into a world of lies and confusion. The only thing that becomes apparent is that discovering the truth may get him killed.

"This is different, you guys." I shook my head. "I mean yes, she is gorgeous. And yes, I'm attracted to her, but it's not just her looks. There's something about her. She's intriguing. It's like she's not all she appears to be or something."
"You can tell that after two minutes of interacting with her? Give me a break." Elliot balled up his napkin and threw it on the table.
"I know I don't know her at all yet, but I can tell there's something more there." I rubbed my bottom lip.
"She looks normal to me." AJ shrugged.
"I think she's pretty. She looks sweet, but..." Liesl turned to spy her quickly. "AJ's right. She looks like any other transfer student. What makes her so different?"
"It's something about her eyes. There's a story in them. I can't even explain why I think that. I just feel like she's got a lot of layers and I want to peel back every single one of them."
"I bet you do." Elliot raised his eyebrows.
"Not like that." I threw him a droll look. "I just want to solve the mystery that is Danielle Harrison."
"Dude, there is no mystery." Elliot slapped his hand lightly on the table.
"Yes there is. I can feel it."
"Careful, Zachy, your Nancy Drew is showing." Jaeda's green eyes were large and round as she gave me a playful look.
"I don't care." I shrugged, confident in the truth that I really didn't. "That girl over there has secrets and I'm gonna figure out what they are."
Author Bio
Melissa Pearl was born in Auckland, New Zealand, but has spent much of her life abroad, living in countries such as Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan... not to mention a nine month road trip around North America with her husband. "Best. Year. Ever!!" She now lives in China with her husband and two sons. She is a trained elementary teacher, but writing is her passion. Since becoming a full time mother she has had the opportunity to pursue this dream and her debut novel hit the internet in November 2011. Since then she has continued to produce a steady stream of books. Recently she signed with Evatopia Press and her first Evatopia book is coming out in February 2014 - True Colors, The Masks Series #1. She is very excited to be trying out new things this year while continuing to publish under her own name as well. She has six books planned for 2014 and is excited about writing each and every one of them.
"I am passionate about writing. It stirs a fire in my soul that I never knew I had. I want to be the best writer I can possibly be and transport my readers into another world where they can laugh, cry and fall in love."

Social Links:
Amazon Author Page:
Newsletter subscription:
Other Titles by Melissa Pearl:
The Time Spirit Trilogy
Golden Blood - Black Blood - Pure Blood
The Betwixt Series
Betwixt - Before - Beyond
The Mica & Lexy Series
Forbidden Territory
Forbidden Waters (due for release: 2014)
The Masks Series
True Colors
Book 2 (due for release: 2014)
Book 3 (due for release: 2014)
Book 4 (due for release: 2015)
The Fugitive Series
I Know Lucy (Releasing: April 20th, 2014)
Set Me Free (Releasing: May 18th, 2014)
The Song Bird Series

Fever (Releasing: June 15th, 2014)

Monday 17 March 2014

Destry (Rough & Hard #1) by Lola Stark

Destry (Rough and Hard, #1)

Rancher Destry Reeves is your typical country boy; he believes in hard work and the easy life. None of which he recognises in Amelia Highsmith.

When a chance encounter involving a cow, a truck and a dark Texan night puts the two on a collision course, it's not long before the fireworks begin and the simple life is turned upside down.

The last thing Amelia expects is for a brute of a cowboy to get in the way of her new life. She's left behind a world of high class dinners and city lights in an effort to escape a life she never wanted. Amelia finds herself in a world so far removed from home that it becomes impossible to break free without finding herself first.

Drawn together by an inexplicable attraction, Destry and Amelia must decide if such an unlikely pairing can ever survive.

 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I managed to get my sneaky little mitts on an early copy of Destry. *insert high pitched squeal*

I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was different, compared to Lola's other books Tattered Love and Conflicted Love. It was more of a contemporary romance, I really liked this change in Lola's writing, I found that Destry came across as a more personal book. Lola has mentioned that this was written during some tough times, and without knowing what those tough times where you could feel it, her heart was really immersed into this book. It is like she gives the reader a little bit of herself with Destry. Destry, in my opinion is Ms Stark's best work yet.

The characters are all extremely likeable. The cowboy's --yes there are more than one of them-- are all hot stuff. My favourite had to be Braxton, he is just a sweetheart, and sometimes the sweethearts win a little corner of your heart. The story was fantastic and I for one can't wait to read more this series. 

Monday 10 March 2014

Cover Reveal: Nights Embrace (Others of Seattle, #1) by Brandy L Rivers

Nights Embrace is coming April 2nd 2014

This is Roxana Nights and Trevor Malone's story. It's the first in the Others of Seattle Series, but don't worry. You'll see several of your favorite's from the Others of Edenton.

NE Ebook

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~~ It all started with a song. ~~

Roxana Nights was late to another gig, thanks to her first love, and drummer. It’s been years since she left Jordan, but he won’t let her go. Then she hears a voice that pulls her under a spell and changes her whole world.

Trevor Malone just moved to Seattle with his band. Music is his only passion, until he lays eyes on Roxana. He’s never felt anything as strong as the pull to her. Now he needs to find a way to introduce her to his world.

There’s only one problem. A rival clan won’t rest until they’ve taken Trevor’s down. Unwilling to let old grudges die, they target Roxy. Trevor will do anything to keep her safe.

Roxy learns that the world she writes is closer to reality than she ever imagined, and not not all monsters are evil, though some are ruthless.

Will love stay strong when the past comes out? Can they survive the centuries old vendetta?


With Roxy and Trevor both in their own bands, it only made sense that I include my playlist for Nights Embrace.

A little tease

There was a tap to her knee and her gaze cut up. Her breath
caught in her throat where her heart lodged itself.
It was the singer smiling down at her. Her words dried up.
She sat there frozen a second before sitting forward,
setting her laptop down, and then yanking her earbuds out. “Hi… uh sorry… um…
aren’t you in Lunar Storm?” Her eyes briefly closed. She wanted to smack
herself for how stupid she have must sounded.

He nodded, his smile widened. “Don’t apologize. I’m sorry
for the intrusion, but yes, I’m Trevor Malone.” His accent colored his words,
but it was faded, as if he had been in the States for years. He had a strong
jaw, full mouth, jade green eyes and sharp cheekbones. Roxy was lost in his

When she finally got her wits together she smiled back at
him. “Roxy, but you already know that.” She reached forward, shaking his hand.
He had a strong, smooth grip, and his hands were intoxicatingly warm. “Sorry
about my drummer. Jordan’s an ass.”
“No worries. Can I join you?” he asked, his gaze sliding to
the seat across from her.

“Yes, of course.” Roxy shoved her laptop into her backpack
and put her earbuds away as he took a seat. The morning was already looking up.
“I was doing what I always do,” she muttered sheepishly.

“I’m curious what had you beating your poor keyboard with
such passion,” his dark brow arched.
Roxy snorted. “Writing. You could say I get wrapped into my
characters heads.”


She licked her lips, wishing she could take that back, but
it was too late now. “Yeah. I’m an indie author.”
He leaned forward, his hands on the table. “You’re that
Roxana Nights?”

Her breath caught and she felt the flush creep up her face.
“Uh, yeah. You know about me?”
“Sorcha said you might be her. She got me hooked on your

Shit. Of course he has a girlfriend.
Trevor added, “Her man Joey won’t read them, but I like a
little of everything. I’m intrigued by your take on the magical world.”

Relief washed over her, but she was still a little flustered
that he may have read some of her stuff. “I uh… I don’t know what to say.”
“I love the way you bring your characters to life.”

“Thanks.” Please tell me he’s
not some creepy stalker fan.

He shook his head, a blush creeping onto his own face.
“Sorry, I saw you sitting down. I couldn’t help myself. Last night I felt a
spark between us. I had to have a chance to talk to you.”

There was no denying that spark. “It’s a pleasure to meet
you. Your band is amazing.”
“Nothing compared to you,” he replied.

She bit her lip and took a deep breath. “So, we love each
other’s passions. Can I suggest that we skip past all of the ego-stroking and
get right to getting to know one another as real people? I mean, I’m obviously
not my characters, or the same as when I’m on stage. I’m guessing the same goes
for you.” Because as hot as Mr. Voice was in his leather pants and fitted
shirt, she had a strong desire to curl up in his arms with that warm sweater
and jeans. He was even more inviting dressed down with his hair falling in his
“Sounds good to me,” he answered, staring into her eyes.

“How long have you been in Seattle?”
“Not long at all. In fact, I was hoping that maybe you could
show me around.”

“Really? You need a tour guide?” For him, she could play the
part. Spending the day with him, listening to his sexy accent while getting to
know him was a much better way to spend her day than avoiding Jordan to write.

He shrugged, his dimples showing as he smiled. “Only if you
don’t mind walking around the city with me.”
“I’m up for it. What did you have in mind?”

“I keep hearing about Pick Place Market. Maybe we can start
She didn’t buy it, but he wore such an innocent expression
she played along. Besides, it was her favorite tourist trap. When she suffered
from writer’s block she could spend the day people watching. She could always
count on finding inspiration among the crowd.

“Pike Place Market,” she corrected with a laugh. “It’s a bit
of a walk. I suggest breakfast first if you haven’t eaten yet.”
“I can always eat.”

“Give me a minute then. I should tell Skylar I’m heading
He nodded and she slipped out of the booth. She took a look
at her phone and saw the three missed calls from Jordan before she shut it off
and slid it into her backpack.

Skylar had her Vanilla Breve ready by the time she was up at
the counter.

Roxy glanced back at Trevor and grinned. “So, I’ll be
leaving with Mr. Voice.”
“You swear you’ll ditch Jordan today?” Skylar prompted.

“Consider it done. He’s called three times, which is a
record since it’s not even noon yet.”
“Don’t let Jordan talk you out of Trevor.”

“I won’t. I plan to enjoy myself.”

“Good, now go do something crazy.”

Blog Tour: All Our Love from Novel Grounds


All Our Love

Compiled by

Release: March 11th, 2014

Genre: Romance


Add it to your shelf on Goodreads

Purchase now at Amazon


Rene Folsom, Brooke Cumberland, Juli Valenti, Melissa Collins, Felicia Tatum, S. L. Dearing, Jettie Woodruff, Marie DeStafino-Wathen, Brandy L Rivers,  Sarah M.Cradit, Vicki Green


Love stories.

Moments that make your heart flutter. Scenes that have you holding your breath. Coveted admissions of love that you just can’t wait to be confessed.

This is a collection of stories that center on matters of the heart, overwhelming feelings of love, and stories that make you stop to re-read those breathtaking moments between your favorite characters. Be it the angst, the turmoil, or the first kiss, these are stories that speak to your soul and warm you to your core.

Eleven authors, eleven stories, eleven special moments—brought to you with ALL OUR LOVE.


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

This anthology contains some real gems. I really enjoyed this book, make sure you detox from sugar before picking this book you because you will get a sweetness overload. Bad Girlfriend, is a tear jerker and tissues are needed. Fated Love is one of my favourites from this anthology because I just adore Brandy's character's they are so real to me, but I may be biased because I have been fan of Brandy's books for a while. I would definitely recommend this book to lovers of romance.



Tuesday 4 March 2014

Cover Reveal: Throttle Me by Chelle Blver Reveal

Release Date: March 31, 2014

Series: Book 1 in the Men of Inked Series

Suzy’s a control freak and has her life mapped out - work hard, find a man with a stable job, and live happily ever after. She’s content with the status quo, but her plan comes to a screeching halt when he enters her life and turns it upside down.
City gave up on love when his heart was crushed in college, preferring to be the typical bachelor. He spends his nights hopping from one bed to another and his days working at his family tattoo shop, Inked. A chance encounter on a dark road makes him question what he had sworn off forever – a relationship.

A night of passion and lust causes them to question everything. Is City the knight in shining armor to the damsel in distress? Can their relationship survive when a fantasy falls apart and a secret comes out that changes everything?

Stalk Chelle Bliss:
View More Teasers at
Twitter: @ChelleBliss1

Review: Unspoken Vow (Steele Brothers #2) by Eden Finley

Author: Eden Finley Book: Unspoken Vow Series: Steele Brothers (#2) Genre: MM Romance ๐™ƒ๐™š’๐™จ ๐™š๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง๐™ฎ๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™„ ๐™ฌ๐™–...