My rating: 5 of 5 stars
"Good, Country-bred girl meets the Rock Star of her dreams and worlds collide.
For Esther Collins, struggling journalism student and mediocre print model, international singing star Sky has been the ultimate male since she sported frizzy hair, braces and too-skinny legs. She has dreamed of meeting this icon countless times. But life has a way of happening when you least expect it... and of coming in hues that don't fit so easily into simple black and white.
Will Esther's deep roots in family and God keep her feet on the ground when a tornado named Sky blows her world apart?"
Wow what an amazing book. It had everything, heartbreakingly sad moments that made tears well in my eyes, happy loving moments that made tears well in my eyes, and anxious scary moments too. People need to read this book, you will feel everything in this book.
It was beautiful ending. I got excited to see a sneak at the sequel until it ended where it ended. How Gould the author leave us there. My heart is left in the pit of my stomach. I hope the next book is out now or soon.
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